I’m not one to give a rave view but I feel compelled to do so because of the absolutely stellar experience I’ve had with The7 and the dream team. In the past 4 months I’ve spent over $600 buying various premium themes or theme subscriptions from reputable companies. They’ve all been, for the most part, “okay” or “good” — but there was always something that wasn’t quite right about each of them – something they didn’t support or couldn’t achieve without a lot of custom coding. Then I found The7. The 7 is hands down the best theme I have ever used. Every aspect of its design is fully customizable — you won’t believe how many menus of detailed options are available in the Dashboard! On the few occasions where I couldn’t quite get it to do exactly what I wanted, I submitted a trouble ticket. Every time – within hours – I’d get a detailed response that included specific instructions on how to achieve what I wanted. So far I haven’t run in to a single situation where I can’t do EXACTLY what I want. These guys have created a very flexible, highly customizable theme and provide amazing support for it. What more could you ask for?
This is my first experience with WordPress and I think I picked the best theme that’s ever been developed! Great work.
Thanks for putting The 7 out there — its so user friendly that even someone with very limited web experience like myself can build a site. For my first theme I’m lucky I found yours!
I am so in love with this theme!! its just so versatile…its amazing that you thought of dam near everything… excellent work!
All I can say is Wow! After years of building sites by hand I thought I would try out a WordPress theme. So glad I choose yours, it looks fantastic and has been very easy to adapt to my requirements.
It works perfectly on every device which I have tested physically and also via browserstack.
Anyone worried about the themes speed, should not be. Put it on a decent server close to your audience and it will fly, my tests show 1.4 second loading times thats without any Cache plug ins.
The support has been very fast and professional.
As a long time user of Envato (they was based in a garage, when I joined) I can easily say this is my favourite product I have ever purchased!

I just rated your theme 5 stars. The theme is amazing and your tech support excellent is too. Thank you.
Thank you very much and send my well wishes to the team as well, you guys have done a great job.
This is the best, most powerful theme I’ve ever used and it keeps getting even better with every update!

I have never ever experienced such great WordPress theme. I would pay even triple price for this masterpiece and definitely will suggest this one also to my clients. HUGE thanks to author(s) of this killer piece of stuff.

I have purchased 3 different themes from Dream-Theme and they are all amazing(5/5 stars), keep up the great work!