Learn Step-By-Step How We Built A 6-Figure Amazon Dropshipping Business And Get A FREE Chromebook!
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“What Am I Going To Get Out Of This?”
10+ Hours Of Video Training Teaching You Everything To Do With Amazon Private Label Dropshipping And FBA: Everything that we know, you’re going to know! We don’t hold anything back. You’re going to get LIFETIME access to ALL of the knowledge we’ve amassed on our Amazon journey! As we learn new tips and tricks we’ll add them to the course for absolutely FREE! That’s right. We don’t charge our students extra for any new content!
FREE Chromebook For EVERY Student: You read that right! We give each and every student a FREE Chromebook to help them be productive on the go. We’re giving you all of the tools to be successful. There’s literally no reason why you can’t be successful from day one!
HUNDREDS Of Done-For-You Products: We don’t believe in “too much competition” so we constantly give our students product suggestions that ACTUALLY help them make more money! There’s more than enough products to go around for everyone and we don’t think teachers should be keeping them all to themselves!
>Our PERSONAL Product Research Strategies: We go over product research strategies step-by-step so that way you won’t miss out on a single thing. Even see what tools we use that help us find products that do over $40,000 a month in revenue!
Personal Mentorship And An All-Access Pass To Us: We’re REAL people just like you guys! As one of our students you’ll be able to reach out to us at any time to ask questions, get advice, or just give us feedback on how your learning is going. Training is only as good as the mentors that provide it so we pride ourselves in being approachable and available to our students!
Tax And Business Structure Breakdown: YES, all of the boring things that no one wants to talk about is covered in the course! We don’t like it anymore than you do, but trust us, you NEED to know all of this because it’s important to do it properly!
How To Get Your Product Ranked WITHOUT Doing Giveaways: We have NEVER done a giveaway and we’ve still managed to get our products, both dropshipped and FBA, ranked to the first page! We’re going to show you exactly how you can do the same.
Proper PPC Techniques: A lot of sellers forget that your product listings will live or die based on traffic! We show you how to craft an expert PPC campaign all while not breaking the bank!
How To Optimize Your Listing For Maximum Exposure: You can’t just expect to throw something together on Amazon and expect it to sell! Top sellers like ourselves don’t leave anything to chance. We’re going to show you how to craft EXPERT listings that draw in attention and get sales almost immediately!
Course Members Only Facebook Group: You get to rub elbows with other new sellers in our EXLUSIVE group! This where we discuss tricks of the trade and offer up invaluable tips that you just won’t hear anywhere else. Not to mention there are some pretty sweet product suggestions being dropped on the regular!
FREE T-Shirt: And of course you’re going to get some swag to show that you’re a part of the Amazon Domination Crew!
There’s even more than that, but it would take us all day to list it!
“But What If…”
I thought you couldn’t dropship on Amazon? I heard it’s against the TOS!
That’s a common misconception by misinformed naysayers who don’t know the Amazon platform and don’t know how it works. People have been brainwashed to think that going FBA is the ONLY way to sell. That isn’t true. Third party fulfillment is 100% LEGAL on Amazon! We wouldn’t have been able to build our business to multiple 6-figures if i wasn’t.
But people get banned for dropshipping all the time don’t they?
Yes they do, there’s a reason! They try to dropship from places like Walmart and Target and THAT is 100% against the Amazon terms of service. Private label dropshipping is completely different than trying to pass off Walmart branded products as your own. The idiots who get banned don’t follow the rules and try to cut corners. We don’t do that and neither do our students!
But I don’t have a lot of money!
You don’t need a ton of money to start private label dropshipping. A lot of our students often start with just a few hundred dollars and turn that into 5-figures in just a couple months!
I don’t have any experience selling online…
Selling online is NOT a prerequisite to start private label dropshipping! Most of our students have ZERO experience making money online at all. You can be a complete beginner and with our spoon-fed approach, build a 6-figure Amazon business!
It’s not as passive as Amazon FBA!
No it’s not, but NO business is 100% passive. If you have 1-2 hours a day then you have the time to make $100,000!
Why not just build a Shopify store?
Very good question actually. Here’s a really good answer: It does NOT work as easily as the “gurus” would have you believe! You need hundreds if not THOUSANDS of dollars to run ads and test products. Over 99% of new Shopify stores are abandoned within 90 days. Doesn’t sound too promising does it? With private label dropshipping on Amazon, you get to test products and make money at the same time!
I’ll just watch YouTube videos and figure it all out!
That’s an amazing attitude to have! That’s what it takes to be a great seller on Amazon. Unfortunately you’re SEVERELY underestimating the amount of knowledge that is required to sell on Amazon, ESPECIALLY with private label dropshipping. You could spend hundreds of hours watching hundreds of YouTube videos and still not be able to piece everything together properly! Having a mentor cuts down on the learning curve and practically guarantees your success. Why would you want to miss out on that only to STRUGGLE through?!
Take A Look At What’s Inside The Course!