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REAL Results, REAL Students, REAL Game-Changer
Total newbies with NO experience are KILLING IT with this method, even using 100% FREE traffic and NO List or Products

IT’S FINALLY HERE – The New, Fail-Proof Way to Bank $200+ Per Day Even If You’re The Newbiest of Newbies
That Doesn’t Require:
- Begging JV Partners for Leads or Sales
- HUGE Advertising Budgets (I’m going to show you 3 UNIQUE ways to start for free today)
- Complicated explanations of the same old junk
- “Skim-The-Surface” eBooks that don’t actually teach you anything ?
- Absolutely NO product creation, reviews, FB posts, or ANY content creation
- Sales Skills or anything for “offline consultants”
Dear Marketing Friend,
Let me guess, this isn’t the first product you’ve looked at this week – and you don’t expect it to be the last… am I right?
Haven’t you seen enough jets, supercars, supermodels and LIES that only fill up everyone else’s pockets but yours?
Do you feel frustrated that no matter what you try, or how hard you try, the success you want just never feels within reach, or the resources you have aren’t getting you any closer to your goal??
Well how about this – why don’t we both say goodbye to that forever starting TODAY!
If you want to do that, then keep reading this page because I’m going to share with you EXACTLY how I put together a strategy based on all of my experience where ANYONE (yes, I’m talking to you) can have $200+ days online starting TODAY – even if you have ZERO experience right now.
Yes, I’m serious. Even if you’ve tried and failed with so many other “shiny objects” in the past just like these folks did:
Former “Failures” and “Newbies” are now KILLING It Making Up To $200 Per Day Online By Ethically Stealing Funnels And Running Them on Auto-Pilot
I Designed This Model to Completely CHANGE The Way People Make Money Online Forever…
You may know that I’ve been making products, affiliate marketing, coaching students, hosting webinars, copywriting, and a LOT more for YEARS…
At the time of writing I have the highest converting WarriorPayments WSO ever launched…
But about 2yrs ago I got an email, something shocking happened.
I hit a wall – and I hit it HARD!
I hit my maximum earnings, and wasn’t able to generate anything else. I wasn’t able to add anything else to my monthly income. I was stretched too thin…
So I decided to do the UNTHINKABLE…
I Abruptly and COMPLETELY Shut Down My Business
No, I didn’t go crazy (well, crazier)
But I knew that if this happened to me, it was going to happen to others (including my students) and I needed to fix it before it happened to anyone else…
My goal was to create a consistent stream of income withOUT…
– Needing an existing list of subscribers/followers
– A website with any traffic
– Creating products or hosting webinars for others
– JV partners
– Selling offline consulting
– Cold calling
– Any crazy skills that I needed to focus months or YEARS on learning…
So I got to work..
And After Nearly 18mths, I Cracked the Code To
The ULTIMATE Newbie Friendly Way to Make $200/Day Without Creating Products, Needing Paid Traffic, Selling Anything to Anyone, or an Existing List!
Even if you’ve failed with anything else in the past, or have “tried everything” and feel exhausted that you haven’t gotten anything to “work for you”
I was SUPER excited…
And it’s usually only football and steak that get’s me excited!
I jumped on my phone and texted my 8-Figure mentor to see if I was crazy, or If I really DID just crack this thing wide open.
He ignored me at first, but I got all “crazy ex-wife” and kept calling him and texting him to get a response.
Eventually he jumped on Skype with me and
What I Shared With Him Was UNLIKE Anything Else He’d Ever Seen Before…
And He’d seen A TON ?
I outlined the WHOLE process for him to show him how anyone could make $100’s online without any real effort at all…
…even if that person had ZERO experience and could barely put on their socks.
Yes, I’ve heard that before MANY TIMES too (well, maybe not the sock thing)… just like you…
But for an 8-Figure marketer to stop what he was doing and stay with me on Skype for HOURS and give me his 100% focus it had to be HUGE.
He was saying things like that I’ve never heard before and I could hear that same spark of excitement in his voice too.
These were ways to build a list for FREE.
Ways to ethically steal other peoples funnels.
and get 100% commission on every sale we “stole”
We even brainstormed a way for people to pay YOU to get access to these funnels and be on your list!!
And that wasn’t even the good stuff!
Everything we worked on together could be done without YEARS of experience, an pre-made website, existing list, or even any real technical experience.
You didn’t even need to SELL anything to ANYONE – EVER!
But, there was a catch – we needed to give it to a TOTAL NEWBIE to see if this was real or not:
We Got My “Newbiest” Student Chuck To Do
And Here’s What Happened…
I have to admit – I was stunned and amazed by Chuck’s results (and so was Chuck!)
This was a guy that had picked up almost EVERY product I’d put out (and a bunch I hadn’t) and hadn’t even made $100 TOTAL online before. I gave him about 5% chance of succeeding – and HE PROVED ME WRONG!
Chuck revealed to me that he had spent almost $9,000 on products, courses, books, and programs before using this system.
…And this was the first time he’d ever made more than $20 in a single day.
It REALLY changed everything for Chuck, and I mean EVERYTHING.
As you know, there are 10-20 new products coming out everyday now which promise you the world of a playboy rock and roll GOD – but deliver a cheap eBook and a hope and prayer to carry you on.
I’m sure you’ve bought a few of them – I know I bought a ton when I was just learning, and I still buy them now!
Then there’s the WebinarJam’s, Clickfunnels’, and MarkerHero’s of the world…
Stuff that comes out of NOWHERE and changes how we do business forever.
The new way to generate MULTIPLE automated streams of income daily, even if you’ve failed in the past or never tried anything before
Inside This Training You’re Going to Get:
Module 1 – The System That Generated $425,000 Last Year
In module one, I’ll take you through the exact path to $200/Day. An overview of the process, and how to set yourself up for success. This exact model continues to be the driving force behind my business, and the EXACT business of dozens of high-level gurus.
We will also cover the tools, and skills you’re going to be using during the training.
In the first traffic module we will break down the top 3 sources of FREE traffic. These are NOT like anything you’ve seen. Including case studies and detailed walk-thru’s of each strategy you won’t have any questions after these 3 techniques are revealed. INCLUDING one crazy technique where people will pay YOU to join your list
Includes 3 videos, cheat sheets, checklists, and more.
Module 2 – FREE Traffic Sources
In the first traffic module we will break down the top 3 sources of FREE traffic. These are NOT like anything you’ve seen. Including case studies and detailed walk-thru’s of each strategy you won’t have any questions after these 3 techniques are revealed. INCLUDING one crazy technique where people will pay YOU to join your list
Module 3: BONUS Traffic
In this BONUS module I will breakdown the 3 PAID traffic sources that I use to put this strategy into overdrive. Paid Traffic is NOT required to make this work, but for those of you who want to turn this up to 11, I’ve broken down each strategy in this module. INCLUDING case studies, walk-thu’s for each.
Includes 5 videos, cheat sheets, and more
Module 4: Finding Funnels to “Ethically Steal”
In this module I will give you 2 walk-thru’s I use to find the highest converting funnels online, and then “ethically steal” these funnels and sell them for 100% commission including funnels for products that AREN’T EVEN RELEASED YET!
Includes 2 videos, and a checklist
Module 5: The Bait, Hook, Reel, Catch Model
In this module I will breakdown the entire model I use to release these funnels to the public and how each click into these funnels can be worth $7.00-$10.00. At this point you will be set to make some money, and by watching this follow-me style module you can create the perform profit formula.
Includes 5 videos, 4 cheat sheets, multiple resources
Module 6: Turning the Automatic Switch “ON”
In this video I will show you how to run these offers to your audience on auto-pilot, so while you look for the next funnel you want to “ethically steal” you can see payments hit your account EVERY DAY. I will walk you through the entire process using multiple tools to get the job done.
Includes 2 videos, external resources
Module 7: Live Case Study
During the entire training you’ve watched me take the full A-to-B Process from theory to REALITY. Now I will share the results of EXACTLY what you saw me do so you can see clear as day that it’s not BS.
Here’s What You’re Going to Discover Inside Auto Profit Daily…
- HOW you can get started today without an existing list, product, or even an IDEA
- The SIMPLE process to “ethically steal” someone else’s funnel and sell it for 100% profit
- The ANYONE-CAN-DO-IT way to build a list for FREE
- How you get people PAY YOU to join your list
- How to turn this ON IT’S HEAD and automate the hardest part
- How to start, run, and monitor this system with just 60mins each day
- Insider GURU-LEVEL information never released before – by anyone
This is the ULTIMATE Method for Newbies, Starters, (former) Failures, and NO It Doesn’t Just Work for PROs…