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Product Description:
For the last two years, thousands of freelancers have benefited from my course, Sell Yourself Online: The Blueprint. For most freelancers, getting work has more to do with luck than anything strategic. So when I created the original version of my course, I outlined everything I’d done in growing my agency to $100k+ a month in client work.
The first version of the course helped a ton of people reliably get clients by creating a “smart” website that would capture project leads and condition them automatically. This worked wonders for my business, and allowed me to proactively get new projects — rather than just waiting around for a random referral or phone call. But the existing course didn’t cover networking, referrals, job boards, partnerships, and other topics that I think are essential for every freelancer to understand.
So this February, this course will be back under a new name — and it will more comprehensive, more expansive, and all around better than ever.
This course will be made first and exclusively to my newsletter. Join now to grab a launch discount of Double Your Freelancing Clients when it becomes available.