How To Land Web Design & SEO Clients Using Video Audits

In this course I break down a simple way to build trust with local businesses by creating helpful videos.
This is an awesome way to get your foot in the door by showing a prospect some helpful information about their website and internet presence. I typically consider this a mini “audit” so to speak where you can film a short screen capture video around 5-10 minutes in length.

The Trading Boss Method 1 and 2

“A Forex system that guarantees you are on every single big daily move” is the headline for The Boss Trading Method. The Boss Trading Method is, in effect, Boss (Wins) 2. We discovered that the original Boss Wins method is also included in the purchase price of The Boss Trading Method, from now on we will refer to Boss 1 (the original Boss Wins method) and Boss 2 (The Boss Trading Method).