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Unleash Your Brain

From All Limitations

& Develop a Super Memory In Just 30 Days

Why This Program

The Superbrain Quest is an accelerated learning curriculum designed to activate your brain’s limitless potential. Join Master Mind Trainer Jim Kwik on a 30-day adventure towards a bulletproof memory, unshakeable focus, and superhuman productivity. Whether you’re a professional, entrepreneur, student, or just someone looking to unlock the full power of your mind – you’ll experience life-changing elevations in your career and personal growth as you shatter every inner limitation that has ever dared hold you back.

Is Your Brain Primed For The Next Stage In Human Evolution?

In the 21st century, information is king. There are more books, apps, courses, and media being published than ever before. Information technology is expanding at breakneck speed. And along with it comes increasingly higher expectations for the ones steering the ship: us.

But here’s the challenge: for most of us, school taught us what to learn and not how to learn. The result? Our brain’s raw processing power has been severely limited. We’re not thinking, remembering, and focusing anywhere near our real potential. And those of us who do have a tremendous advantage in this emerging new world.

Learning how to learn is known as meta learning. Jim Kwik is the world’s foremost expert in training you in meta learning. And in just 30 days, the exercises and mind shifts in this Quest will completely transform the way you absorb, process, and use information.

Welcome to the future of your brain.

If knowledge is power, learning is a superpower.

But it’s a superpower we were never taught how to master.

Think about it: most of us spend at least 12 years of our lives in school. But while school is a great way to learn what to learn, it doesn’t teach you how to learn.

After suffering a traumatic brain injury at 5 years old, I struggled to remember and focus and even learned to read 3 years after everyone else. But I survived school because I learned how to game the system. I realized that school tests more for memorization than understanding. So I got really good at regurgitating information – but I couldn’t explain that information to you.

The problem is that our educational system is sorely outdated. When the American education system was first standardized in the 19th century, it was modeled after factories and assembly lines. Children received their education in batches based on their date of manufacture, AKA their date of birth. Things haven’t changed much since.

They say if Benjamin Franklin were alive today, our schools would be the only thing he’d recognize. We have spaceships and electric cars, but our educational vehicle of choice is the horse and buggy.

But there’s good news. You already possess one of the most powerful resources available: your brain.

What if you could focus more, stress less, and sleep better? What if you were able to sift through information overload and pay attention only to the things that matter? What if you always made great decisions and easily solved problems? What if you didn’t have to reach for your phone every time you needed to calculate the tip?

Imagine how much easier your life would be if all the above were true. Now, imagine it were true of everybody in the world. What would that world be like? How amazing would it be?

That world is within our reach. It starts with all of us learning how to master our brains – and I can show you how.

I’m not special. I didn’t naturally have these superpowers. They were learned. And if I can learn them, anyone can learn them – regardless of age, background or education.


What You’ll Learn

The 5 Pillars Of Your Superbrain

Jim combines today’s best neuroscience, speed learning, and peak performance techniques to upgrade your brain into a Superbrain in five key areas:

1. Supercharged Memory

Names, facts, birthdays, anniversaries, shopping lists, passwords – how much easier will your life be when you’re recalling all this information at the snap of a finger?

2. Supercharged Relationships

Use your Superbrain to connect better with people, and amplify your personality and charisma both at work and in your personal life.

3. Supercharged Processing Power

Eliminate brain fog from your Superbrain, so you can think smarter, decide faster, and focus better – no matter how young or old you are.

4. Supercharged Learning

Finish a book 3x faster (and remember every part of it). Learn a new language in record time. Master any new skill with ease. Become a better you in every way.

5. Supercharged Lifestyle

Banish inner resistance and self-sabotage from your life, so you can effortlessly adopt better habits. Eat healthier. Exercise better. See a better you in the mirror.

Elevate Your Learning Experience On The Revolutionary Mindvalley Quests Learning Platform

The Mindvalley Quests learning platform combines the power of community, daily micro-learning, and the world’s best teachers to give you a dramatically more immersive and transformational personal growth experience than ever before.

Elevate Your Learning Experience On The Revolutionary Mindvalley Quests Learning Platform

The Mindvalley Quests learning platform combines the power of community, daily micro-learning, and the world’s best teachers to give you a dramatically more immersive and transformational personal growth experience than ever before.

Program Information

Explore The Superbrain Quest Curriculum

Jim Kwik’s Superbrain Quest is a whole brain training specifically designed for rapid and lasting learning. You will be actively involved in every step of the training.

A Superbrain Is A Long Lasting Brain

According to Harvard Medical School, something remarkable happens when you feed your brain with stimulating exercises (like the Meta Learning exercises found in the Superbrain Quest): new connections between nerve cells are stimulated, and new brain cells are even generated.

This develops a neurological “plasticity” in your brain, and helps protect you from future brain diseases like Alzheimer’s and Dementia. And so The Superbrain Quest isn’t just an investment in your present: but also in shaping a healthier, sharper, more productive brain in all stages of your life.


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