Retargeting with Adroll – Josh Roache

Retargeting is what separates the amateurs from the pros in online marketing. Learn how to Retarget with AdRoll.
If people are visiting your website, then it is absolutely essential that you are remarketing to them. AdRoll is a tool that allows you to track users that have visited your website and then serve them ads on other websites after they have left. Remarketing can increase your conversion rates by up to 70%. In this course, you will learn everything you need to know to retarget using AdRoll’s cutting edge platform.

Authority Marketing – BQP

Authority Marketing is a 25 page, +6000 word report.
This report was designed to teach people how to strategically position themselves as an authority in their field.
It includes five 3D eCovers with editable flat images included.
Topic List:
The Power of Authority
Carry Yourself Like an Authority
Actionable Steps to Become an Authority
You are an Authority – Now What?