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Product Description:
How to Rocket Your
YouTube Video
From Nowhere
to #2 In Google
In 4 Weeks or Less
Also, How to Outrank Competitor Videos
Profit from Youtube With No Website,
And Dominate Youtube
Did you know that has almost as many daily pageviews than
- A few years ago, Youtube surpassed Google in page views for the first time (see screenshot below).
- Google is ahead of Youtube now, but only by a small percentage.
- Youtube is the second largest search engine in the WORLD. (second only to google)
- The highest viewed video of all time gets over 5 million views per DAY (average).
- Proper use of Youtube can get you 20,000+ monthly visitors.
Imagine 20,000 visitors coming to your website or affiliate link from Youtube.
Yet almost all marketers obsess on google traffic, IGNORING Youtube traffic completely.
Don’t Want You To Know
How to Guzzle The YouTube Money Geyser
Youtube traffic is difficult to understand. It is off the radar of many search engine experts. Many of them have no idea how to make money from Video traffic.
Even worse, there are TWO separate altgorithms to understand.
First you have to understand Youtube’s own search engine. It gets more searches than Bing and even Yahoo — second only to Google itself.
Then you have to understand how to rank a Youtube video in GOOGLE search. A completely different formula.
Once you master both, you can get DOUBLE the traffic.
And those who have figured this out DON’T WANT YOU TO KNOW ABOUT IT.
Don’t take my word for it. Go to right now and look at the most viewed videos of all time. Look at where the videos are pointing. (Especially videos NOT owned by big brands)
You will see that a handful of underground marketers have been quietly grinning as the $$ pours in from Youtube, while everyone else ignores Youtube traffic.
but I’m not going to sit on these secrets.
I’m going to show you how to do it.
You may be thinking… if this is such a great secret, why are you going to tell me about it?
Over one billion unique users visit YouTube each month.
Over 6 billion hours of video are watched each month on YouTube.
That is more than enough traffic to go around, don’t you think?
The days of easy SEO and PPC traffic are over, but Youtube is currently a new windfall. The arbitrage opportunities are absoultely insane.
before it becomes as competitive as SEO and PPC.
Right now it is EASY, and most of the big players still haven’t figured out the secrets of Youtube.
I’m going to show you how to cash in on YouTube traffic NOW.
I’ve put together a massive home study course that shows you, step by step, how to do it.
Here is just some of what these videos cover:
- How to get your youtube video to appear on the first page of the organic search results in 24 hours.
- How to legally “steal” traffic from the top 20 youtube videos of all time (it only takes 10 minutes and you don’t even need your own video) Imagine thousands of visitors coming to your website from the first page of Youtube.
- Quick and Easy ways to rank for longtail traffic, this works very fast.
- How to beat ANY youtube competing video, knock it out of position, and (legally) steal its traffic.
- Easy, fast, and cheap way to to rank in Youtube’s internal search engine (it is an entirely different formula from ranking in google)
- How to automate getting friends, subscribers, likes, and comments (hint: all of these things are necessary for ranking youtube videos in more competitive markets)
- How to take any video in your account, and insert thumbnails to other videos inside it after it has been uploaded.
- A 5 minute change that allows you to direct traffic anywhere once a video has gone viral.
- Make money from affiliate links, lead gen campaigns, local SEO, all from Youtube!
- A trick for identifying LOSER videos that could actually make you more money from fewer views.
- Increase profits and leads by linking to a non Youtube site from your annotations.
- How to keep youtube viewers from getting distracted by irrelevant “related videos” and make them click on your website and videos instead!
- 5 minute edit to your video description that will increase your traffic by 423%
- How to identify which youtube videos will increase in traffic in the future, and which will drop to zero.
- Predict how much traffic you will get from a Youtube Video before spending any time on it.
- 4 changes to make to a video that can quadruple its profits and traffic
- How you can make massive YouTube Profits WITHOUT having any video of your own
- How to get on YouTube’s “Most Viewed” list within 9 minutes (Massive Traffic)
- Where to find a secret tool that predicts if a video will be popular
- How to create your own videos for free, without a camera.
- Discover which clickbank products will sell on YouTube (and which ones will fail miserably)
- How to increase your video views by 1500% (this could pay for your mortgage)
- Learn quick and easy mass video distribution (send your video to 18 video sites for free)
- A secret page on youtube that reveals video viewers interests so you can easily profit from them. (shows their gender, age, interests, location etc…)
- Learn how to insert external links on TOP of Youtube Videos (new loophole-this can increase your clicks by at least 100%)
- Did you know Google is now indexing the speech in your videos? Learn how to crack the code and optimize it for serious profits.
- How to force Youtube to let you choose your thumbnail image (this “thumbnail formula” was previously unknown to most marketers)
- Legally steal video views from your competitors’ videos by making a 1 minute change to your video.
- Discover an easy, free tracking system that very few know how to use. Apply it to your YouTube videos and increase your profits 100 fold.
- How to safely utilize blackhat linking for extremely quick and easy youtube video rankings
- Google’s Penguin algorithm affects Youtube videos differently than websites, allows you to get away with a lot of blackhat techniques for quick rankings. My course shows you how to do this.
- How to funnel link authority from high PR/high PA pages on google plus, into your your youtube videos. (sometimes this technique by itself can rank your video on page 1 of google).
- Learn a trick for making money with youtube and google streetview.
- Two hidden “function” buttons inside your youtube account that can turn a DUD video into a moneymaking machine. Hardly anyone knows about these two buttons, they are 3 or 4 levels deep into your youtube account.
- Discover how Youtube’s licensing dropdown menu can cause your video to be replayed exponentially, and automatically add backlinks to your video at the same time.
- How to become a “related video” to the highest traffic videos in your market, sucking traffic from your competitors videos to your own. (You can literally DOMINATE the ENTIRE related videos list with YOUR OWN VIDEOS using this technique)
The Youtube Cash Course
Includes This Software:
15 Minute Ranking Software (LAUNCH ONLY)
- Allows you to grab traffic alongside the top videos of all time
- I’ve taught this “15 minutes to massive youtube traffic” technique for a long time (many of my past customers know what I’m talking about) but it was a lot of manual work to get the traffic. This automates most of the process, allowing you to rank for more keywords, much faster.
Daily Visitors Scraper:
- Tracks any video you wish over time, to give precise daily search counts for your competitors videos (youtube stats page only allows vague estimates of this data for your competitors)
- Combine this with my techniques for influencing the “related videos” list so your video shows up as a related video to ANY video in your market.
- Know exactly where your competitors videos are getting their traffic so you can snipe their good keywords (sometimes these do not show up in common keyword tools)
- Siphon traffic from the hidden traffic sources of your competitors (they may be getting views from sources you don’t know about but I’ll teach you how to use this software to funnel that traffic to yourself.)
I realize I’m going out on a huge limb here. And yes, there are probably people out there who will take advantage of me and use this generous offer as a way to just get my YouTube Cash Course for free.
But that’s a risk I’m willing to take because I KNOW these YouTube Secrets will change your life.
And I trust you. Your word is gold here.
However, there is a catch. The truth is, I’ve never offered this complete “Youtube Cash” Training Kit with a coupon before. I don’t know how long I’ll keep offering this.
Frankly, too many people could take this super cheap offer, I’ll be overwhelmed with orders and unable to provide the high level of personalized service my customers deserve. If this happens, the price will go on hold while I watch the dust settle.
So I’m only making this available for a little while.
Youtube traffic comes Instantly with these Techniques
So You could easily pay for the cost of the videos 7 days is up.
Just jump on this risk free trial offer today…
What’s Included in the
Updated Youtube Cash Course Videos:
- How to get Traffic from the Highest Viewed Videos of All time (even if you don’t own them!)
- How to Predict Youtube Trends Before They Happen and Profit!
- The Youtube Scraper: Track Daily Video Views
- The Youtube Scraper Part 2: Graph Daily Video Views
- How to Predict How Many Views A Video Will Get
- Find Profitable Youtube Niches With The Free Youtube Keyword Tool
- The Youtube Search Engine Formula
- Keyword Research for Google Ranking (Don’t Skip This)
- Keyword Research Using Market Samurai
- My Strategy for Making Money with Clickbank+Youtube: No Website Needed
- How to Identify Clickbank Products that Sell
- Accurately Predict How Much Money You Will Make From Each Video
- Create Your Own Videos For Free, Without a Camera
- Create Your Own Videos Without a Camera Part 2
- Quick and Easy Mass Video Distribution (How to profit from video sites other than Youtube)
- Forcing Youtube to Let You Choose Your Thumbnail Image (massively increases view count)
- Annotations: Keep Viewers On Your Videos PLUS External Linking
- Place External Links Directly on a Youtube Video to any Site You Want
- TubeToolbox, a Crucial Tool for Whitehatters and Blackhatters Alike
- How to Rank YouTube Videos in Google with 50K-200K Competing Results
- How to Increase Your Video Views by 1500%
- Get High PageRank Backlinks From Video Responses
- YouTube InVideo Programming – Quickly and Easily Up Your Views
- Increase Your Rank by Optimizing Youtube Transcriptions (hardly anyone knows about this technique)
- Get Your Video in Google’s Top 10 In 3 Days
- More (Fast) Ways to Get Into Google’s Top 10
- How (and Why) to Track Your Sales Process
- How to: Adwords Conversion Tracking
- How to: Tracking Using Hypertracker
- How to: Tracking Using Google Analytics
- How to: Tracking Using
- Bonus Blackhat Video

Now Including SEO Video Warrior!Six Modules of 3-4 videos each, plus the SEO Video Warrior report to get you started fast!
- Module 1 – Vital Mindsets and Concepts for Video Marketing
- Module 2 – The power of Demonstration
- Module 3 – The power of Emotion
- Module 4 – SEO Secrets that get Your Video Ranked in 24-48 Hours
- Module 5 – Secret Technique that Multiplies your Marketing 100-200 Times!
- Module 6 – Making Videos without A Camera