Affiliate Black Book 3

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Product Description:

For the affiliate with a nose for trouble and danger –

The Mercenary Guide to Kicking Ass and Taking Names on Anybody’s Turf

The ultimate guide to more fun, profit, and mayhem.   The Affiliate Black Book is an explosive compilation of material guaranteed to give you an advantage against all comers.

This is for the serious affiliate, or the affiliate ready to get serious.

This is for you if you’re already producing results and you want to take it higher – or you need to protect your turf from a pack of rabid dogs out for your blood.

X has spent the last 16 years dedicated, full-time, to discovering, dissecting, employing, engineering and reverse-engineering marketing systems that simply overpower not-just affiliates but also market leaders.

Affiliate Black Book 3 cover

Here’s a Look at What’s Inside . . .

You will learn the key mindset shifts and tweaks necessary to leave behind the 95% of affiliates that make nothing, and join the ones who are smashing it.

How to pick almost guaranteed winners. Imagine if you could consistently pick winning horses at the track. When you know how to match picks to these six criteria you’re nearly a lock to profit right out of the gate.

The Four Quadrants of Traffic:  A system devised to choose the best traffic sources and how to pitch them. You see, different sources of traffic have different mindsets and if you get this wrong, you’ll lose every time.

The Five Levels of Awareness.  This works like magic with the Four Quadrants of Traffic. I’ve built upon Eugene Schwartz’s classic methodology to build “out of the park” converting pages for affiliate offers.

You’ll learn my three part conversion model and how to build a conversion funnel on your affiliate site.

If paid traffic isn’t your thing, no problem. I show you how to develop one piece of content, turn it into ten, and have your traffic machine humming in no time. And if you use this with the Four Quadrants methodology your traffic machine will be a cash machine.

Discover three of my favorite email marketing approaches.  Write messages people love to read . . . and cannot resist buying from.

You’ll learn all about how I’ve taken a highly controversial tactic called “cookie stuffing” and made it a win-win-win for everyone – plus you’ll likely see your commissions double – from the same traffic!

Revealed! The powerful system I swiped from a bona-fide Internet millionaire that teaches you how to target specific pages that help people with specific problems – and how to profit richly.

Are you worried about losing your Adwords account or being kicked to the curb by Google? Included is everything you need to know to avoid losing your account, and how to create the exact types of pages Google loves.

There’s a ton of information here – and I haven’t even touched on . . .

Bitch Slapping 2015 – my nastiest PPC tactics for dealing with ad competition.

How to build hugely profitable NON-email lists you can show countless offers to.

Little tricks to make your writing razor sharp.

How to get free stuff every time you pay your bills.

How to legally swipe other people’s content and products to add value and close sales.

Man, and this doesn’t even cover the half of it.

You will also get the Soda Popper (aka Link Weaponizer) WordPress plugin.

You will get access to over nine hours of training videos.

You will be invited to join in on four training webinars that detail the systems I’m using right now to build lists and generate commissions.

You will also be invited to Q&A sessions to get any of your questions answered.

Really man, this is a RIDICULOUS value for $197-  And I haven’t mentioned anything about a half dozen other surprises and bonuses you’ll find lurking around the site.

Truth is I’ve become like one of those crazy old horders that just collects information and it’s everywhere. If you like information and killer ideas . . . this your heaven.

And if that’s not enough, you greedy info hog, to get you started in your own little “goldmine” business, wait till you discover . . .

  • The instant tea that tastes like coffee.  Just kidding.  Good – you’re paying attention.
  • The simple idea I swiped from a millionaire after he got busted by the feds and how you can profit from it, without making the same foolish mistakes he made.
  • How to get paid to build highly targeted lists of subscribers – and then get paid again and again because most people buy more than one thing in their life.
  • The way to turn unsubscribers into a new list and an ongoing income stream (this is a little creepy, until you start getting pay checks and then you’ll be OK with it).
  • The technique to gather people’s tales of woe and misery so you can sell them something to end their woe and misery.

This “Treasury” is so crammed full of ingenious, proven money-making ideas that we feel certain you will find in it the key to make your dreams of financial independence come true.  (LOL.  That line sounds a little corny, but it’s true!)

You’ll learn about . . .

How to launch your own business for under $100 with the potential to earn $25,000 to $100,000 a year!

All you need is . . .

  • Love
  • A domain name (~10.00)
  • Web hosting (~8.00 per month)
  • Email service provider, like Aweber (~20.00 per month)
  • $50 or less to spend on highly targeted traffic

You will discover the highly-targeted, low-risk process of leveraging the assets of others – products and services people ALREADY want to buy – to get paid while building the greatest assets any marketer could ever possess – lists!

And this is just the beginning!  You’ll learn how to . . .

You’ll learn where to look for high converting traffic. Forget about cheap traffic – you want action-taking traffic.  (Cheap traffic is for guys who like to wear cheap suits.  We don’t work with guys who like to wear cheap suits.)

You’ll discover the six critical criteria for selecting products that are nearly guaranteed to make you money.  I’d drop the word “nearly” but you know someone will screw this up, so “nearly” is as close as we can get.

And you’ll be shown how where I find the best content writers (and you’ve never heard this before).  Is it how?  Or is it where?  It’s both – how AND where.  This is cool – and obvious, but only after you hear the idea.

You’ll see how full-time affiliate marketers really make money. HINT: They aren’t relying on free traffic, one-off micro-offers and push-button generated websites.

You’ll read about “The Solution” to get more done, in less time.  I know, you hear that all the time but this IS good.

You’ll discover how to get credited with more commissions from the same traffic.  Ssshhhh.  We do not talk about Fight Club man.

You’ll discover how to get people to buy from you and become YOUR customer, even though you’re selling other people’s products.  Just keep it on the down-low, trust me.

“X” is one of the world’s foremost experts on affiliate marketing.  He has released numerous products on the subject and taught thousands of Internet marketers how to make REAL money, real fast.

His customer list reads as a virtual Who’s Who of Internet marketers – we’re not here to name names, because that wouldn’t be cool – but it’d be easier to name the marketers who haven’t purchased an “X” product.

Way back in 2006 X did what “the king of Internet marketing” said couldn’t be done – he sold a $200 e-book that generated rave reviews.

It Happened for Them –


Could It Happen for You?

X doesn’t make income claims.  He believes any marketer that has to rely on income claims to sell a product, doesn’t have a product worth selling.  What’s happened for others is no indication of what will happen for you.  Maybe you’ll do better – maybe you’ll sit on your butt and do nothing at all.

But . . .

Cris B. wasn’t able to afford X’s first ebook, so he offered to build X FIFTY websites – X accepted 15, gave Cris a copy of his book and Cris, as a 15-year old teen in Romania, pulled in $1800 per month promoting just one service.  Do you understand what $1800 per month is to a teen in Romania?  HUGE.

In the volumes of information he’s published he helped Patricia S. and her husband to finally make their first money online.  They thanked him, in person, in Las Vegas, Nevada.

Chris P. of Australia used the techniques X teaches to make a quick $1200 *in one day* – after having never earned more than $100 in a day.

Brent H. used X’s approach to land an exclusive affiliate marketing arrangement selling a high-end piece of exercise equipment that generates over 6-figures per year – on its own.

Chris H. used X’s techniques to earn over $7500 on a product launch – without a list, taking business straight away from “the gurus”.

And, of course, X himself has profited handsomely in affiliate commissions (inside and outside of the Internet marketing niche).

Even “The Rich Jerk” was so impressed by X that he offered him a position with his company – but being a man of conviction and integrity, X politely declined.


“In my opinion Mr. X is a genius. His marketing information is really, really good and very useful.”

– Klaus Dahl

“This is a radical book and won’t be for everyone. While some of the techniques are things I wouldn’t personally use I did get two fantastic ideas from the book I will be using heavily from now on. It definitely made a few ideas I had been pondering “come together” so to speak.

Disclaimer: If you are easily offended or freak out on radical ideas DON’T BUY THIS BOOK!”

Allen Says, Founder, The Warrior Forum

And now, a few words from the man of mystery himself . . .

It makes me blood boil, it does.

Like many of you, I bought the hype back-when about creating my own products and becoming an authority.

Sure.  Create a product and an army of affiliates will show up to make you rich.


I even made myself into a bona-fide SEO expert.  I ruled Excite! and Alta Vista man!  

I wrote until I had Carpal-Tunnel Syndrome.

I put in 12-16 hours per day, seven days per week – because I was convinced it could work, and humiliated every time I was forced to face family and friends, all not-so-secretly mocking me behind my back.

I gave and gave and gave, over-delivering the value to my list of 892 subscribers, who griped, pissed and moaned every time I tried to sell them something.

Three years!!  It took me three years to build that pathetic, freakin’ list.

I created 7 products in those 3 years and I sold fewer than 100 copies – combined.

It broke me.  Mentally, spiritually, financially.

If I only worked harder! If only I was smarter! If only, only, only . . .

There were three problems I didn’t have an answer to, and work ethic wasn’t one of them.

First, I didn’t know to how sell anything.  And the hardest thing most people will ever try to sell is them self.

Second, nobody knew “me”, nobody wanted “me”. That’s a hard pill to swallow, but it’s true.

Third, I believed it was possible to make money online but I didn’t know anyone who was and I had my doubts.

What did I do?

I’m not THAT stupid – and I like to eat . . . .

So I quit. I didn’t have an answer.  I got a job.  That was the Year of our Lord, 2002.

And then I happened onto a trail of crumbs.  Somehow I became a part-time affiliate manager for my employer and I got a peak under the hood –

I was able to see people actually making money online and how.

It was then I knew I was closer than I realized, yet had a few key details all wrong.

In short, I stopped trying to be the guru and simply started selling what people already wanted.

I discovered the best sources of traffic – people ready to buy.

I started building lists – FAST.

Most importantly, I started making money. FINALLY!

So when I was fired from that job – trust me, it was a moment of true glory – I had a few clues.

At that point I didn’t have all the clues – more were on the way. But I was making ends meet, barely.  And that was a VICTORY!

That period of adrenaline-fueled terror turned out to be a great thing because I had to get innovative, and I had to develop a fighters mentality.

It wasn’t a game – it was survival for my family.  Yep, I was fired with a wife and 9-month old babe at home.  

(Hey – don’t judge me – my boss was an unethical liar with a maniacal laugh that would drive a crazy man insane.  I’d planned to give my notice, but instead . . . nevermind.  Sometime you just have to stand up for what’s right, even if those with “the power” don’t like it.)

To the casual player my approach may seem ruthless, overly-aggressive.

But this is serious and I don’t have time for anyone that isn’t HUNGRY.  You wanna push buttons, play games, build crap and spend your life in momma’s basement, good luck.  But you’re not my crowd.

Now, many over the years have said how can I trust a guy named “X”?

That’s a funny question because many trust guys with names and known criminal records.

Me? I’m boy scout enough I’ve held the highest security clearances the US government gives out.

My customers know who I am. It’s no secret, but it’s more fun this way and that’s how we like it.  

We work hard, we play hard.

I hope to see you on the inside.

And if not? Don’t you cry to me when my customers kick your ass and steal your candy.

All the best to you – X

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