Here’s What You’ll Get When You Upgrade
To The Pro Version of Apex For Life…
Keep in mind, this is a ONE-TIME offer that is extremely limited and will not be repeated.
Extremely Limited Offer!*30* Minute Strategic Coaching Session with John Di Lemme – A Personal, One-On-One, Private Strategic Coaching Session with John Di Lemme. This is a laser focused strategy session with John Di Lemme that will open your eyes to endless possibilities in your life and business. Plus you will receive the MP3 recording of the session to listen to over and over again. Expires 3 years from date of investment. ($2,500 Value)
*90* Day EXCLUSIVE Kick-Start Program Featuring *24* Hours of Strategic Group Coaching with John Di Lemme. You will have Private Access to LIVE Bi-Weekly *4* Hour Group Coaching Calls, and You can Send in Your Questions Prior to the Call for John to Answer. Listen LIVE or to the Bonus MP3 Recordings that You will Receive of the Calls ($1,997 Value)
*1* Year Exclusive Membership in the #1 Success, Motivation, and Marketing Mastermind Club in the Word – The Lifestyle Freedom Club!($1,297 Value) Your Membership Includes:
8 – *2* Day Private, Member Only Mastermind Events with Other Like-Minded Champions
CDs of ALL *2* Day Member Only Mastermind Events – Over 80 CDs Filled with Explosive Teachings!
A Monthly CD, DVD, and Bonus CD Shipped to Your Home. These are Brand New Teachings Every Single Month! Plus You will Receive a Subscription to the Millionaire Magazine and Access to the Member Only Millionaire Vault!
*2* Tickets to Upcoming *2* Day Closing and Marketing Boot Camp. The strategies that John Di Lemme reveals at these events are guaranteed to explode your profits. No more wasting time and money on useless marketing! Limited to thirty people. ($3,994 Value)
*2* Tickets to Upcoming *2* Day How to Speak Like a Millionaire Boot Camp. Discover the proven secrets on how to implement the success language of multi-millionaires and make more money than ever before. Limited to thirty people. ($3,994 Value)
*15* of John Di Lemme’s Top CDs and DVDs($1,175 Value)
*5* of John Di Lemme’s Best-Selling Books Plus the Audio Books($225 Value)
Faith Stands and Fear Runs Swag Bag PLUS *2* Pieces of Motivational Artwork($104 Value)
INSTANT ACCESS to Everything in the $297 Apex for Life Lite Package – Over 300 Hours of Motivation and Marketing($17,760 Value)
*1* Ticket to the Upcoming *3* Day Apex For Life Event! – Includes *3* Days of Life-Changing Teaching from John Di Lemme and Other Surprise Speakers. All Training Materials and a Catered Lunch Provided. ($1,997 Value)
*90* Minute Google Hangout with New York Times Best-Selling Author and Internet Marketing Expert, Joel Comm, and John Di Lemme($1,497 Value)
Nearly $5,000.00 of Additional Training Just Added!
*1* Year of the Closing & Marketing University – *12* Monthly Group Coaching Calls with John Di Lemme and his Elite Coaching Students Focused on Closing, Marketing, Extreme Customer Service, Sales, Opening Long-Term Relationships and So Much More! Plus the MP3 Recordings of All Calls. ($2,497 Value)
*1* Year of the Millionaire Affirmation Academy – *12* Monthly Group Coaching Calls with John Di Lemme and his Elite Coaching Students Focused on the Power of Your Words, Affirmations that Radically have Changed Lives, Marketing Words that have Exploded Businesses and So Much More! Plus the MP3 Recordings of All Calls. ($2,497 Value)
New Special Unannounced Bonus
*1* Entry Into the Small Business Overhaul Drawing. *3* people will be chosen at random to receive a *2* Hour Strategic Coaching Session with John Di Lemme ($5,000 Value)
The Apex For Life Pro Package Has a
Real-World Value of Over $36,799.
Remember, in addition to the full online version of Apex For Life Course (which you will have access to immediately), you’ll be receiving MANY physical versions of John’s products, several live event tickets, access to group coaching, a one-on-one Strategic Coaching Session with John Di Lemme, a Google Hangout with John and Joel Comm PLUS so much more!
Because this is the first time ever that the Apex For Life Course is being offered, and because this is the first time ever that we’re offering multiple tickets to upcoming live events, you’ll get everything today for a massive discount. You can upgrade to Apex For Life Pro Today for ONLY $1,997! This is a Steal of a Deal for You!
You are saving over $34,000.00 with this option. Place your 100% secure online order below and we will ship all of the above items to you – plus give you INSTANT ACCESS to the online Apex For Life products.
This course is the complete breakdown of the ads we run! Being small business owners ourselves, Sharon Gutierrez and Terence Crouch, are ready to help you move your business forward!
100% Self-Paced, 10+ Modules PLUS Bonus Content!
…Because in the last year over 100 people from our small underground coaching community, most of them beginners and newbies, have gone from $0 to mid $4-figures or $5-figures PER MONTH. Read on, and you’ll even be exposed to video after video of individual members explaining how they reached $20,000 month in profit – more than most doctors make.
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We Are About To Teach You The Exact Steps People Just Like You Have Used To Quit Their Job And Build Local Digital Marketing Empires, Doing Massive, Recurring Business
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Are you ready to associate with true icons of business, exceptional performers, hugely productive superstars and some of the most motivated people on Earth?
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Successful business ownership means financial freedom. The security and comfort of knowing you NEVER have to worry about money again. The independence to do what YOU want, on YOUR time, from WHEREVER you want.