Email Traffic Academy – Jonathan Mizel and Tim Gross


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Product Description:

From: Jonathan Mizel and Tim Gross
To: Friends of Corey Bornmann

Aloha and Welcome,

If you want to blow up your sales to six, seven, even eight figures and beyond, listen up…

My friend Tim and I have been sending emails, renting lists, and mailing offers for over 20 years. Not to brag or anything, but we’ve probably mailed in the neighborhood of 3 – 5 billion commercial emails each, maybe even more.

All opt-in, CAN-Spam Compliant, and 100% legal. No monkey business.

Not to mention the millions of names we’ve personally collected, or the thousands of campaigns we’ve created for our clients and ourselves.

Bottom line is we know email marketing inside and out.

You are about to discover the system we have used to create multiple marketing empires, and you’ll get to see us build a brand new business in the Weight Loss Niche, completely from scratch.

You’ll even get to peek under the hood and see the results from 16 of our real-life email marketing campaigns.

Before we get into all that, there are a few misconceptions we need to clear up about getting traffic with E-Mail Marketing and Solo Ads:

    • Fact is, you can dominate any niche with email marketing. That’s the number one question we get from our clients… “Will it work in my market?” The answer is yes. Even if you want to dominate something obscure like the “Model Train” niche, you totally can;-)
    • The number two question… “Does this work for affiliate offers?” Yes, of course once you realize how responsive email traffic is, you’ll probably want to keep it for yourself;-) Most sharp affiliates build their own funnels to collect subscribers. The really smart ones create their own offers to serve their tribe.
    • If you are in a scalable market, like Health, Financial, Self-Help, or Biz-Opps, here’s some good news. That’s where 90% of the lists are, and it’s where most of the “traffic trading” opportunities are as well. You’ll be surprised how many people will give you free traffic, and how easy it is to structure those kinds of deals as a win-win.

OK, so with that stuff covered, let’s talk about how to build a your own marketing empire. Here’s the basic formula…

Offer + List + Funnel + Follow-Ups =
Rock Star Profits

Let’s break that down.

The Offer

The secret is selling stuff people want to buy. And to figure that out, you want to study your competition, and here’s our big secret on how to do that…

Subscribe to their lists and watch what they promote, how often they mail, what kind of messages they send, and what they are selling. You can learn so much by simply studying what your competitors are mailing out, it’s crazy.

Learn to love your spam folder;-)

The List

In the world of High-Volume E-Mail Marketing, you want a fresh, responsive audience that buys today and down the line. We recently ran an email campaign to promote a weight-loss offer using one of our favorite E-Mail networks.

We did great, collecting a bunch of names for future marketing, and making enough money to pay for the ad, with some profit left over. We know this particular audience likes Weight loss offers because of past experience with the list, and because other advertisers keep running diet offers.

That’s a big tip off. If you see the same kinds of ads running day after day, they probably work.

The Funnel

Let’s talk about the Funnel part, since that’s really the most important. Any schmuck can buy targeted clicks and send them into a sales page.

In fact, that’s what most internet marketing is, schmucks buying clicks and direct linking because they don’t want to spend the time to create a funnel. They want a quick hit (until it stops working).

But a good funnel, even just a simple squeeze page in front of a sales letter, embraces the Long Game and enhances your revenue per visitor. When you enhance your revenue per visitor, something special happens… You can afford to pay more for traffic.

And when you can afford to out-bid competitors because you’re making more money, you really do own the market. You’re no longer chasing “cheap clicks,” you’re on the trail of something far more lucrative:

Return on investment.

The best possible outcome is your competitors become affiliates and start sending you their traffic because they make more than they do monetizing it themselves.

Hell, even the worst outcome is still pretty good: You get a lot of risk-free traffic and only pay when people buy. I’ll take that any day.


Remember, email traffic is pre-disposed to opting into your list, so don’t waste the opportunity, especially when you can easily double your revenue over direct-linking by getting them to opt in and follow up with a strong email sequence.

Of course, that means you have to capture names, which means you need a squeeze page and a thank you page and auto-responder and all that stuff. And you have to write some follow ups, and a little copy.

But we are all grown ups here, right? You probably have that stuff in place. And if you don’t, it’s high time you get with the program.

This isn’t amateur hour after all.

Quite a bit can be accomplished with easy tools like, WordPress, OptimizePress, and an account. At least that’s what we use.

No rocket science degree required:-)

OK, so what’s the Email Traffic Academy?

It’s quite simply the most comprehensive training we’ve ever done about getting email traffic, list-building, and Solo ads:

    • Real nuts-and-bolts ad buys laid out for you to see
    • Our results in dollars and subscriber counts, no punches pulled
    • The entire campaign strategy and thought process

It’s like you are our silent partner in this new business, and you get to see the results of the real ad campaigns just like we do. And of course, you gain the ability to do the same thing by modeling us.

Tim and I spent the last year creating and perfecting this system, taking everything we know about driving traffic with email and solos and follow-ups. We created a comprehensive training that’s structured just like our Traffic Evolution Training.

The material is presented in a way that makes sense without being overwhelming. There are 8 Modules and 16 Case Studies, and while you get access to everything at once, the training is designed to be consumed over 8 weeks.

It’s a “master class,” the culmination of our 2 decades of experience marketing with email distilled into actionable steps, letting you immediately leverage our efforts and experience.

The training is broken down into 8 easily digestible Modules…

    • Module 1: Uncovering available lists and traffic partners – The first step is learning who the players are in your niche. Uncovering who’s got the traffic, lists, and is already running offers.
    • Module 2: Building a killer email funnel – The perfect email funnel has an address collection feature, a tripwire, an exit strategy, and a secret element that can increase revenue 500%.
    • Module 3: Designing and writing your creative assets – Tricks to get clicks, and “spy moves” to become an email Ninja.
    • Module 4: Testing and tracking results – Managing split-tests, subject line tests, landing page split tests, and more.
    • Module 5: Enhancing traffic and profit – Remarketing, selling data, co-reg, affiliate offers, and other arbitrage opportunities, including list rental and hiring a broker.
    • Module 6: Your follow-up funnel – Creating a follow up formula that turns prospects into customers.
    • Module 7: Staying compliant with CAN-Spam – Protect your open and click-through rates, and stay aboveboard.
    • Module 8: Negotiating and scaling Ad Buys – How to negotiate and buy email advertising and get your advertising on a risk-free-basis.

The Modules contain text, demo videos, and screenshots. Tim and I pull back the curtain and give you pretty much everything we know about email marketing.

Unprecedented Access To Our New Business

A few months back, Tim and I decided to create a new business in the weight-loss niche. The idea was to build a list, promote affiliate offers, and ultimately create our own products.

We decided to pay for this business with a self-liquidating funnel that would cover the ad expenses with commissions. That way, we wouldn’t be out of pocket much at any given time.

We also decided to document our start-up steps and initial email campaigns so you can see exactly how we do it, you can basically model our system and do the same thing.

If you could watch two experts build out email campaigns with a bolt-on funnel that is truly self-liquidating, documenting the whole thing from beginning to end (while making thousands of dollars), well… what would that be worth?

We reveal the steps we take, and let you see into our AWeber, ClickBank, and Tracking accounts. You’ll see the squeeze page tests we run including the multiple teasers and sales copy, why we picked specific headlines, where we got them (there’s a crucial trick to that), and the exact results we got from our tests.

You’ll discover how certain tests can be misleading, and how to be sure you’re looking at the right metrics. For example, if you think the highest converting squeeze page is always the most profitable, wait until you see the third case-study!

Watch us create our follow-up sequence, including the the actual messages we send, and “Test Fast” so we can get the ball rolling.


You’ll get all of them…

    • The one that didn’t make a single sale. How we regrouped, changed course and turned a profit after that.
    • Which squeeze page did the best out of everything we tested (it was a total surprise, and the concept can be applied to many other niches as well).
    • The weird ad we tested that did an immediate 300% ROI on ad spend.
    • How we made a profit and got a bunch of names for free 7 out of 9 times.
    • Which headline generated the highest opt-in rate.
    • Which headline made the most sales (they weren’t the same).
    • …And a whole lot more.

Nothing is held back, and that’s where much of the true value of this training comes from.

We’ll be sharing everything:


The 16 case studies show our testing protocol and how we scale up!

Being able to watch us work through these challenges is what will give you the motivation, the inspiration, and the confidence to make those same decisions in your own business.

Have these things ever happened to you?

    • You run a campaign to an affiliate program product using your own squeeze page that makes back 50% of your investment… What do you do?
    • You run a campaign that breaks even but it’s to a small list you can’t really ramp up… What do you do?
    • Have you ever run some initial tests in a niche and felt you “were on the verge of something big” but didn’t know how to tweak it into a winner?

You’ll discover:

    • How to position your offers to hit it big with email marketing, in both consumer and B2B products.
    • How to brainstorm cross-promotion “hidden” related products for your lists that can tap into new streams of profit.
    • Specific funnel / listbuilding opportunities for email promotions you can exploit.
    • How to regroup if a promotion crashes and burns (it happened in one of our case studies, as promised we show the good, the bad AND the ugly.) Here’s how to turn potential bad into semi-bad into not-so-bad and correct your course.
    • Data-driven decisions, and how to double-check your results to ensure you’re making the right ones.
    • How we tested more squeeze pages than you can shake a stick at for not a lot of cash (it helped us drop the 5 worst-performing opt-in pages lickity split).
    • How we modeled successful campaigns without violating copyrights or trademarks.
    • Our unique strategy that will work in just about any niche that has competitors.

 Become A Certified Email Marketing Expert

This training will qualify for an entire new career. In addition to having the ability to run email traffic to your own products and affiliate offers, you’ll also be qualified to run traffic for clients or customers. You can:

    • Become a list broker
    • Become a JV or traffic broker
    • Start selling solo ads yourself

What’s The Tuition?

We have each personally made 7 figures in sales in a variety of markets doing what we’re going to show you. We’ve both put more money in the bank with these exact email methods than from any other marketing method we’ve ever used.

How much is virtually unlimited traffic worth to you? What about a million dollar ad source? Or the many thousands of dollars of extra cash you’ll bring in testing smart instead of wasting money on failed ad buys?

Depending on your situation it could be $10,000, $50,00, $100,000, or much more.

Obviously, we aren’t going to charge $100,000 for this training, but if you wanted to hire us personally, and have us both come to your office for a few weeks and show you all this stuff, that’s what we’d charge.

Email Marketing Academy is a two month master class, designed to sell for $1,995, and frankly that would be a great deal.  This training is based on millions of dollars of real-life tests over 15+ years, and the case studies alone are worth the price.

We are actually in pre-launch right now, and if you go the our main site, you’ll see the Email Traffic Academy is not even for sale (you have to get on a waiting list). But for friends of Corey who attended the Webinar, we decided to do something different.

This training can pay for itself quickly with the increased profits (and cost savings by not wasting money on crappy sources and campaigns), when you apply what we teach you.

Friends Of Corey – 50% Off Discount
Expires Tuesday, April 7th, 2015

Here’s the deal: If you are one of the first 100 people to sign up before April 7th, 2015, you can become a full member of the Email Traffic Academy for just $499.

But once the click strikes twelve, or if we we hit the 100 person limit, we will shut this offer down. Listen. we want this to be a no-brainer for you, and if you are a serious Internet Marketer, you can already see the value.

Not only are you saving money, you also get this information before everyone else, and for a limited time, you also get the…

Active Coaching Bonus

People have said the most valuable part of their Email Traffic Academy membership is the active coaching we give to people when they have questions and need help. And while it’s definitely a huge time-investment for us, we do it because it provides maximum benefit to members, while also keeping us on our toes.

That’s why we are going to add this as a bonus for friends of Corey. We want to make sure we have the energy to answer all your questions, which is why we’re limiting membership to the first 100 people.

In the future, this will be an upsell to the training, a $995 value, which you will be getting free when you register now. We charge (and get) $750/hour for consulting. So you can pay that rate or you can join the Email Marketing Academy and get unlimited coaching for free. (I know right?)

The only deal is that you have to ask your questions in the member area so everybody gets the benefit of our responses.

One more thing I want to make perfectly clear, this offer is only going out to those of you who registered for this Webinar, you can’t sign up any other way. When you become part of this, you’ll get the highest level of access at the lowest possible price.

If you like hot responsive traffic, you are going to love the Email Traffic Academy!

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