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Product Description:
Revolutionary InfoProduct Reveals The Secrets To Money-Making Testimonials
Is getting testimonials for your business one of the tasks you ‘just haven’t gotten around to’?
Do you wish you could make getting testimonials from your customers and clients quick and easy?
Would you like to be sure-fire certain that your customers’ testimonials will increase your leads and sales?
Now there’s a quick and easy way to get testimonials from every customer and use them to bring in a flood of new customers
Testimonials Finally Receive The Attention They Deserve
This is the info-product you’ve always needed for your business, even if you didn’t know it.
That’s because the information in this product has never been put together in this way in any other book, DVD or info-product that has ever been on the market.
Product Contains SECRET Information
This product contains so many ways to maximize the power of testimonials to bring you new clients and customers that almost no-one knows. It really is secret information that I’m sharing here. You won’t have found this information anywhere else. This information could transform your business.
Like other smart marketers you may have shelves full of books on subjects ranging from how to write headlines or craft a ‘million-dollar USP’ to search engine optimization and social media, all in the pursuit of growing your business.
In all the books you may have read on marketing, all the DVDs and info-products you may have seen, have you ever found much more advice on testimonials than “ask for them” and “use them”?
There has to be more to testimonials than that, right?
Well, there is, a lot more in fact.
Let me introduce myself. I’m Simon Aronowitz and for more than three years I have focused my efforts on how to get and use testimonials. The picture on the right shows me sharing some of my testimonial secrets with a bunch of high-flying lawyers in 2011.
Through continued research, implementation and testing, I have not only found some of the best practices in marketing and related them to testimonials, I have also developed and perfected my own processes and practices.
Testimonial Machine is a comprehensive solution to the challenges faced by business owners when it comes to testimonials. The lack of expert information on testimonials means these are challenges many business owners aren’t aware of or haven’t recognized.
What Else Is There To Know About Testimonials?
Anything else you’ve previously seen about testimonials has either been about minimizing the time you spend on them, or it’s been about creating high-end testimonials that take lots of time, like filming and editing video testimonials.
No-one has previously considered the benefit of putting some small, ongoing and consistent effort into a strategy of testimonials and how to maximize their performance and return on investment. Until now.
What’s been missing is a system that deals with getting testimonials every single day from every single customer or client.
What no-one has cracked, until now, is what to do to squeeze every drop of benefit from the customers you deal with every day, without it being a major disruption.
What’s been missing is a SYSTEM that any team member in your business can easily follow that gets you testimonials and puts them to use in your marketing for the greatest benefit, while minimizing the time and effort it takes.
Successful businesses have marketing and sales systems that employees follow to consistently make sales and bring in the money.
It follows that to successfully collect testimonials and use them in the most time-efficient manner to turbo-charge your sales, you need a proven system to do so.
Complete Fool-Proof System
What I’ve developed, and which I’m making available here, is a complete and foolproof system for collecting and using testimonials
Testimonial Machine has been put together as the definitive info-product on testimonials, drawing from the most successful techniques and best practices in direct response marketing.
More than just showing you how to get and use testimonials, this info-product gives you all the tools you need, ready to use, to transform your business with testimonials.
Testimonial Machine give you so much more. It’s a complete system that shows you:
- How to get testimonials quickly, easily, painlessly and systematically from every single customer or client
- How to get testimonials that uniquely position your business
- How to get testimonials that make prospects want to buy from you
- How to lay out your testimonials to instantly grab attention
- How to publish testimonials on your website in the most-effective proven way for maximum return
- How to use testimonials to get top and 1st page search engine results which attract new leads
- How to use testimonials to increase your website quality score on Google
- How to use testimonials to convert leads into sales
- How to use testimonials to get referrals and recommendations through social media by making testimonials go ‘viral’
- How to get use testimonials to get reviews on independent review websites like Google and Yelp!
There’s a ton of information contained in the system, broken down into easy-to-use sections that guide you through the creation of your own comprehensive and customized testimonials system.
The included manuals, guides and DVDs make it painless and simple for you to turn your business into a Testimonial Machine and bring you a flood of new clients or customers!
Who Is This Info-Product For?
Getting Testimonials
How often do you kick yourself for not getting a testimonial from your customer while they were standing right there next to you?
Do you frequently realize, only too late, that you’ll probably never see some of your customers again and would have to chase them for a testimonial for what you’ve done for them?
Any business that has face-to-face dealings with its customers or clients can benefit from Testimonial Machine, making the most of the ‘in-person advantage’. However, this product is primarily intended for businesses that have a high transaction or lifetime customer value. See the examples below.
The more time that you spend with each client, the more important it is that you seriously consider investing in this system, to enable you to leverage all that interaction.
This system will enable businesses to get testimonials from their clients or customers in person – quickly and painlessly.
Instead of letting clients leave your premises without getting their testimonial, Section 1 of this system will ensure you get a testimonial every single time, automatically.
Powerful Testimonials That Sell!
Are the testimonials you have weak and ineffectual?
Do your testimonials say nothing about how unique and amazing your business is?
Do your testimonials fail to convert prospects into customers?
Section 2 of Testimonial Machine gives you everything you need to get powerful testimonials for your business that make it stand out by focusing on what you differently and what makes your business special and helping you transform your conversion rate.
Local Search and Website Content
Do you wish your website performed better in local search results?
When looking for a local supplier, are potential customers finding your competitors’ websites instead of your own?
Do you struggle to come up with regular fresh content for your website that attracts and converts new customers?
Businesses that depend on local search – local customers looking for local a provider – will benefit hugely from the Section 3 of Testimonial Machine, devoted to getting top and first page search engine results and converting visitors into customers.
Businesses that already have any or all of the following characteristics will find it simple to implement this system:
- Happy Clients/Customers
- Provide a unique and memorable service
- Receive unsolicited testimonials
- Differentiated from their competitors
- Regularly update their website in-house
- Interacts with prospects and customers on social media
- Use systems, procedures and scripts for marketing and sales
- Regular staff training sessions
- Clear staff guidelines and operations manual regarding incentives, penalties and disciplinary procedures
The higher the ‘Lifetime Value’ of your client or customer, the more you will benefit from implementing Testimonial Machine in your business.
As a rough rule of thumb, if the lifetime value of your customer is far greater than the hourly pay of your employees, then you are most likely to find a massive return on investment with this product.
Examples of the sorts of businesses that will get the greatest benefit from Testimonial Machine include:
Providers of service at home or business like:
- Plumbers
- Electricians
- Air Conditioning/HVAC
- Computer Repair/IT Consultants
- Construction
- Gardeners/Landscapers
- Handyman
- Roofers
- Double-Glazing
- Carpet Cleaners
- Home Inspectors
- Dog Walkers/Pet Sitters
- Burglar Alarm/CCTV/Security Installation
Professional Services like:
- Marketing Consultants
- Business Consultants
- Doctors
- Dentists
- Veterinarians
- Accountants/CPAs
- Lawyers
- Architects
- Event Organizers
- Copywriters
- Real Estate Agents
- Mortgage Brokers
- Insurance Brokers
- Coaches
Other Businesses:
- Hairdressers
- Car Dealers
- Car Repair Shops
- Dry Cleaners
- Restaurants
- Printers
- Flower Shops/Florists
- Interior Designers
- Signwriters
- Furniture Stores
- Boutique Hotels/Bed and Breakfast
- Venue Hire
- Funeral Homes
- Caterers
Who Is This Not Suitable For?
If your business is an online store, this product is not for you.
If you never meet your clients or customers in person, this product is not for you.
If your business only spends a few, fleeting seconds with each customer for each transaction, this system is not for you.
If your business revolves around selling low-cost items to a high volume of customers, such as a newspaper stand, this system is not for you – unless you also have an outrageous lifetime value of your customers.
What Will Testimonial Machine Do For You?
David White is the new GKIC Independent Business Advisor (IBA) and Chapter Director for London, UK. The Chapter holds monthly meetings where the attendees come together to learn the latest direct response marketing techniques to implement in their own businesses.
The group only started at the beginning of 2013 and has already outgrown its first venue due to the growth in membership. David has been using the Testimonial Machine system to collect testimonials from the attendees.
I Put Off Thinking About Testimonials
When I started the new GKIC London group, I knew that testimonials were one of the things I had to do. Beyond knowing that I needed to collect testimonials at some point down the line, I hadn’t given it much more thought. I figured I couldn’t collect testimonials from attendees until after I had already held the first event, so I put off even thinking about how to collect testimonials because I didn’t think it could happen until at least the second event.
I expected that I would have to ask for testimonials, but I expected to do that at a later stage because there was so much else to cope with and, quite honestly, I could have forgotten about it altogether because of everything on my ‘to-do list’.
My Testimonials Were Meaningless
What I initially did, because it seemed easy for the attendees, was to drive them to leave comments on the website about the event. However, the comments that were posted were along the lines of “Nice event, Dave!” and “Enjoyed the event!” The attendees were being honest, that was how they felt. However, to a third party looking at these comments, they were all reasonably meaningless.
Simon’s System Gave Me More – More Testimonials, More Quickly and More Easily
Using Simon’s system, I got more testimonials, more quickly and more easily, which were more useful and which makes me feel good – this is important for me because I run the thing. You need personal feedback. It’s nice to know that you’re doing a good thing. It also gives me confidence to communicate to others about the group and know that it’s not just me saying that the group is good but to actually be able to refer to third parties and send potential delegates a link to the web-page where they can go and see the testimonials.
Attendees Line Up To Hand In Their Testimonials
Because we’ve followed Simon’s recommendations and built the collection of testimonials into the system for our meetings, attendees line up at the end to hand their testimonials to me. It’s never been so quick and easy, either for me or for the meeting attendees.
The prepared feedback forms from Simon, focusing on the material presented in each meeting and the benefit from attending, have given me a sample of previous questions that I could reference to tailor to other meetings. The manuals and workbooks enable me to easily prepare a fresh form from scratch if necessary.
The effort put into preparing the questions means that even a one or two word answer from an attendee still gives me a powerful testimonial because the rest has been framed and pre-written with the question that was asked.
Action-Oriented and Keyword-Laden Testimonials
I’m getting a wider range of testimonials that are much more meaningful, for example “now when I get home I’m going to apply the three-step process in my business, as a result of the discussions at the meeting.” To have the testimonials tied to an activity is good for SEO. The testimonials are now keyword-laden and action orientated and therefore motivational to third parties who are reading them.
As the owner of an internet marketing and search engine optimization company, I know what sort of person is needed to write good content for a website. Simon’s system gives me content that is effectively pre-done; the content writes itself so I don’t need a skilled content writer to give me this result.
Regularly adding testimonials to your website shows that your website and your business is alive. It demonstrates social proof that new customers are choosing your business.
Simon Explains Simple Approach To Getting Photographs
I never would have thought of having a pull-up banner until Simon suggested it. We use it to take head-shot photographs of our meeting attendees, with our logo and promotional message in the background. It’s an obvious thing to do when you think about it, having photos of people endorsing your message, to go alongside their testimonial. It makes the testimonials much more believable. Simon’s system showed me how to eliminate any logistical headaches and make it incredibly simple to get the photographs as a part of our attendee registration process at the events.
“Using Simon’s system, I got more testimonials, more quickly and more easily.”
Outside of the event, when talking to new clients, I can refer to the event and show them testimonials. The more testimonials that I can show prospective clients and members, the more trust I can communicate and demonstrate that I really am the real deal, not just a ‘nice guy’, a player or someone who has been doing it for his dad.
Simon has given me ideas about how to craft testimonials, how to ask for them and how to repeatedly call them out during an event and ask people to take a moment to complete a section of the testimonial form.
Without Simon’s system, I’d have a room full of happy people who go home and very quickly forget what they’re happy about. Now I have it specifically in writing from them why they’re happy and I know that when they write it out, the discussion sinks into their brain more and causes them to think in terms of action steps and to focus on the specific results that they got. Therefore I know that the training will work better for them. It also gives me material that is useful to market to others.
When someone gives me a particular testimonial and I talk to them at a later date, I’m able to thank them for their testimonial and remind them what their testimonial said. That’s also very important.
The Testimonial Machine system has given me magnificently powerful marketing without any serious effort from me. Without Simon’s Testimonial Machine system, I’d have nothing.
David White, GKIC London
11th April 2013
What Do You Get With Testimonial Machine?
I sent my friend, copywriter Tom Trush, my complete Testimonial Machine system, including the DVDs and verbatim transcript of my exclusive seminar (one of my bonuses, see below). Tom made a video explaining what was in his box of goodies:
Testimonial Machine is broken down into five key sections:
- How to systemize your collection of testimonials so that you are guaranteed to get them every time VALUE $497
- The questions you need to ask your clients to create powerful testimonials that are guaranteed to sell your products or services VALUE $497
- How to use testimonials for organic 1st page search results that are guaranteed to massively increase your lead generation and conversion VALUE $497
- How to use testimonials to create content on your social media that your clients are guaranteed to share and promote to their friends, extending the network you reach and increasing referrals VALUE $197
- How to use testimonials to guarantee that you get regular, new and genuine satisfied customer-created reviews on third-party review websites like Google and Yelp that give you more top-of-Google search results VALUE $197
Each individual section of Testimonial Machine can be purchased separately, costing between $197 – $497 per section.
The combined value of the Testimonial Machine system is $1885 when pricing the sections separately.
This complete system-in-a-box will enable you to create your own effective testimonials system for your business to bring you a flood of new customers.
Here’s a full list of what you’ll receive:
- Workbooks Folder – Create your own testimonials system with the five step-by-step workbooks
- Manuals Folder – Step-by-step instructions with illustrations on completing each of the five workbooks
- Instructional DVDs – If you’d rather watch a DVD instead of following a manual, these five DVDs present the same information as the printed manuals
- Website Overview – DVD and printed guide on how to configure a WordPress website to showcase your testimonials and maximize their return on investment
- Example Implementation DVD – See how the Testimonial Machine system was implemented in another business
- Quick Start Guide – CD, DVD and printed guide to help you get started quickly
- Resource CD – All the tools you need to create your own feedback form and print off additional workbook copies
- Laminated Infographic – An illustrated explanation of the five key steps to turning each transaction into a lead-generation magnet with Testimonial Machine
- A copy of Tom Trush’s book, ‘The “You” Effect: How to Transform Ego-Based Marketing Into Captivating Messages That Create Customers’ – this book comprehensively explains how to connect with prospective customers and why Testimonial Machine is so effective.
Added Bonus – 6 Live Group Coaching Calls to Walk You Through, Step-By-Step
Testimonial Machine is broken down into easy-to-digest sections and has instructions in plain English to help you create your own testimonials system.
Nonetheless, it can be daunting when a big box of stuff lands on your doorstep. Where do you start? When do you start?
My added bonus takes away any fear you might have about implementing Testimonial Machine in your business.
You can implement Testimonial Machine in your business in only a few hours if go through the workbooks on your own. However, you might appreciate the reassurance of knowing that there’s someone there to guide you and to answer any questions you have.
So I’m going to give you access to six live group coaching calls, one 60 minute call per month for the next six months, starting in May 2013. Over the course of these five coaching calls, I’ll guide you through completing each step to create and implement a testimonials system in your business.
May: Creating Your Testimonials System
June: Formulating Your Questions and Creating Your Feedback Form
July: Constructing/Adapting Your Website to Showcase Your Testimonials
August: Polishing and Publishing Your Testimonials
September: Facebook
October: Reviews
Live Group Coaching Calls Package Value $497