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Want to build your list without spending a fortune?
Here’s How 14-Year Veteran Internet Marketer And New York Times Best Selling Author, Ron Douglas Generates Laser-Targeted, Low Cost, High Quality Traffic From Facebook – And How You Can Too…
Dear Marketer,
I’ve finally decided to come out of the closet … (in a manner of speaking)
You see, I’ve been secretly crushing it with sneaky $5 Facebook ads to the tune of over 500 leads per day!
And if you’re even remotely interested in uncovering how to generate cost effective, laser targeted and high quality Facebook traffic (even if you’re new to the whole Facebook game), then listen up …
About Ron Douglas (43 seconds):
Because I’ve already shared my secret techniques with a small batch of coaching students who are now getting incredible results with their Facebook Ads. And so can you.
So let me ask you, “What could you do with an extra 500 leads per day? How would an additional 50,000 subscribers in the next 100 days change your life? What offers can you send them? How much more money will you be making with affiliate sales? What kind of ROI can you experience with numbers like these?”
Here’s PROOF!
Just so you know, this is no smoke and mirrors promise. In fact, here is SOLID PROOF to back up what I’m sharing here:
Over 500 Leads Per Day with 252k Total Subscribers:
And Ads As Low As Two Cents Per Click:
These are not numbers to sneeze at. They are as REAL as the screen you’re reading right now. You can take that screen shot to the forensic lab to make sure it is not ‘photoshopped’ in any way… Oh yeah, I know the internet marketing world!
Speaking of the Internet Marketing world, let me just share with a you a little of my story because my name is not one you’ll typically find among the marketing “gurus”. And I’ll explain why in a moment –
But first…
What Qualifies Me To Talk Like This?
Hi, my name is Ron Douglas. Perhaps I’m best known in the online marketing world as the guy who sold more books and made more mainstream media appearances than any other self-start marketer.
And for sure, I’ve appeared on Good Morning America, Home Shopping Network, Fox News, ABC News, Good Day NY, Fox & Friends, the Wendy Williams Show, the Today Show Australia, the Today Show on MSN, and in People Magazine.
What’s more I’ve sold over 1.4 million books through a major publisher, Simon & Schuster, and I’m a New York Times Bestselling author.
Even before I was picked up by this major publisher, I was able to build a huge subscriber list of over 200,000 between the years 2003 and 2008.
Those were the days when you could get 10-cent clicks from Adwords and a hoard of affiliates would rush to promote your products on ClickBank.
But The Good Old Days Quickly Came to an End
And I Almost Lost It All!…
If you’ve been in this business long enough, you know that the cheap and easy Adwords traffic soon came to a screeching halt. Many online marketers were slammed up against the windscreen without an airbag in between.
I had to adapt quickly or lose my main source of income.
You see, from the outside, everything was looking rosy and peachy but my business was dying a slow, sure death.
Google had changed their Adwords policy so you couldn’t send traffic directly to landing pages anymore or to an affiliate sales letter. What’s more, the costs per click rose dramatically as competition from other advertisers increased and soon the gravy train had derailed.
Many marketers lost their Adwords account in the process, and some, their entire businesses which was built wholly on Adwords PPC advertising.
My list was dwindling fast. In just a couple of years, I went from sending over 16k clicks per email down to 4k.
While I was still able to generate a good amount of traffic from my email list, this dramatic decline in new leads, combined with the increase in advertising costs, caused a big drop in my revenue while my expenses remained nearly the same. Believe me, that’s NOT a recipe for business success.
I was forced to find a better way.
While Google Adwords was tightening up the screws, another advertising giant was just warming up… a marketer’s dream come true…?
Facebook Or Watch My Business
So I decided to focus all of my attention on Facebook advertising. Out of desperation, I went out and bought all the courses from the Facebook experts I could find.
I thought, “for sure one of these marketers have already cracked the code for building huge subscriber lists with this new platform.”
But much to my dismay I soon came to realize there was a huge gap in all these courses. Because even though they taught how to sell physical products such a T-shirts, when I applied these strategies to list building I lost my shirt!
I ended up losing a lot of money with little results to show for it.
I was frustrated, to say the least, but I wasn’t about to give up. Starting from scratch I decided to develop my own lead-generating system through testing and tweaking.
After a lot of testing, patience and even losing one of my Facebook accounts, I eventually had my “aha moment”.
Now I generate over 500 new leads per day from Facebook using little $5 ads. I was now prepared to teach anyone how to get cheap clicks from Facebook advertising without risking their account. (But more on this later…)
Welcome Aboard The Facebook Gravy Train…
We’re talking here about over a billion active users, super targeted traffic and cheap clicks. This is like Google Adwords in the early days, but on steroids.
Of course no advertising platform is static. For example, not too long ago you could get decent free traffic to your Facebook page from the natural organic reach of your page.
So you publish some content on your page and you’d expect that a good segment of your fans will see your post. But this ‘natural’ reach is now on the decline.
And why?
Well, if you asked Facebook they’d tell you that they are not up to any tricks as some marketers suspect. According to them, it’s the natural results of more content being published by your friends who are not only using desktop computers to post content but tablets and smartphones.
According to Facebook for Business:
“There is now far more content being made than there is time to absorb it. On average, there are 1,500 stories that could appear in a person’s News Feed each time they log onto Facebook. For people with lots of friends and Page likes, as many as 15,000 potential stories could appear any time they log on.”
What Facebook Advertisers Need to Know Now
So there’s a ton of competition in News Feed and it’s becoming harder for any story to gain exposure. People are also liking more Pages.
Facebook recently told TechCrunch that “the total number of Pages liked by the typical Facebook user grew by more than 50% last year. With each new Page like, competition in News Feed increases even further.”
In addition to this new competition, Facebook’s algorithm is designed to show users the content that is most relevant to them. So a person might only see 20% of the newsfeed stories at any time.
I’m sure you’ve heard stories of marketers who have been…
Banned From Facebook Without Warning!
Some have been able to get their accounts reinstated while others were not as lucky.
The good news is that you can still drive traffic to the type of landing pages that Adwords presently frowns on if you know what you’re doing. Traffic you could never dream about getting from Google Adwords is now flowing your way from Facebook.
But for how long is anyone’s guess. Because the current trend is that Facebook is selling fewer ads at higher prices. So if you’re not extracting as many leads as you can from Facebook while the opportunities are still here, you’ll be missing out big time.
So Just How Do You Get Cheap Traffic From
Facebook to Build Your List?
Well, first you have to focus on giving Facebook what it wants which is a positive user experience. That includes targeting ads only to people who are most likely to want what you’re offering and ensuring they have a positive experience once they get to your landing page. Hint: if they’re following more than one interest related to your offer, you can be sure they’re into it.
Then you want to create posts that Facebook users will happily share. Use engaging content or give away something of value for free and don’t come across as just another annoying ad.
When you set up your campaigns like that, Facebook’s unique viral traffic effect will kick in and bring you tons of warm, friend-referred traffic like magic. I’ve done it time and time again and once I show you how to do it too, you’ll be able to consistently generate clicks for under 10 cents just like my students are.
And from there you can focus on getting that traffic onto your email list…
My EVERGREEN List Building Strategy
As I mentioned before, I’ve been marketing online for 14 years now and counting and I’ve built huge lists.
You may not be in the business of selling cookbooks, but what counts is the marketing principles and not what you’re selling.
Now over those 14 years I had to continually adapt and change strategies but the PRINCPLES have remained the same. For example, I had to shift from Google Adwords to Facebook and other sources for traffic, but how I treat that traffic has remained the same.
Here is the simple model I have been using:
1. Create a free offer that helps my target audience
2. Put up an ad to invite them to get it for free in exchange for their contact information
3. Sell them more of #1
Now if you stop reading right now and just apply those same three steps I can virtually guarantee you’ll be successful. But you know they always say that the devil is in the details.
“Details” not in the sense that it’s hard to do, but you must know some tips and tricks and common mistakes to avoid if you’ll be super successful.
You can hammer a stone 99 times without even a crack showing in the stone. And then the 100th blow shatters the stone into pieces. You and I know it wasn’t just the last blow that broke up the stone, but without it the stone will seem untouched.
That last blow made all the difference, and it’s the essence of what I want to share with you.
Here’s A Simple Facebook Game Plan For FREE
Now I don’t believe in wasting my time or other people’s time. So I want to reward the few minutes you’re taking to read this letter by sharing with you a proven Facebook Leads Generation plan.
So even if you choose not to invest in my product, you’ll still leave with some incredible marketing value.
Fair enough? So here goes … Now this game plan has FOUR CRITICAL components:
1. Sales Flow – based on the evergreen 3-step strategy.
2. Follow up – a killer 7-email autoresponder series
3. Ad Targeting & Structure – creating customer avatars
4. High Response Landers – proprietary FB landing pages
Here is a Quick Overview of This Marketing Plan Showing the Main Components:
First, traffic is generated from content pages or direct ads such as on Facebook. These visitors are offered a sample of my product and placed in my 7-email follow-up autoresponder system.
They are also made a one-time offer for a product and given an invitation to join a continuity program.
For those visitors who do not take the free sample product offer they are “retargeted” using Facebook and SiteScout tracking systems.
(If you are not familiar with the concept of retargeting you may be familiar with the experience. If you’ve ever visited a website advertising a product but never bought the product and notice ads for that product ‘mysteriously’ showing up on other pages you visit, then you have been ‘retargeted’, or tagged in order to encourage you to return and make the purchase.)
The Big Profit Source…
The most money generated from my list comes from the recurring income (‘join the club’ membership) and high ticket sales. This is an important marketing lesson I had to learn along the way.
Real profit in your online business comes from recurring and high-ticket backend products not from the cheaper front-end products.
The third component is Ad Targeting and Structure. The more you know about the people you are trying to sell to (often called your customer avatar), the more laser targeted your ads can be.
Here is where no other marketing platform can rival Facebook, because they know so many things about their members. Facebook collects data on gender, age, place of birth, interests, favorite movies, books, hobbies, friends, internet access devices… and the list goes on.
A New Era In Paid Advertising
What’s more, if you upload your subscriber list to Facebook, then you can learn a ton more about your subscribers and also get a matching “look alike” audience—which translates into potentially more cost effective leads for your subscriber base.
Now you can target your ad to this audience and test different combination of ad copy and images to find out exactly what works.
HINT: Facebook charges a lot less to run ads to your list, ‘look-alike’ audience and for retargeted ads.
Here is the point at which you can run $5 CPC test ads using Facebook’s bidding system for about 5 days duration and just keep the meaty ads that convert and trim the fat.
Now you have a “control” set of ads to use as a benchmark as you invest more ad dollars by increasing your budget for your winning ads.
Landing Pages That Work Like Magic
The final critical component is High Response Landers. These are all landing pages that have worked like magic for me. Within my system I have labeled these pages as:
- The “Tab Page” – This gets its name from the fact that it is a ‘tab’ added to your Like Page where visitors are directed after clicking on your “like” ad campaigns to download your free product. Facebook wants to keep visitors on its site and so rewards advertisers with lower ad cost when your ad target page is on Facebook. It is also cheaper to reach fans of your page and their friends.
- The “Tease Page” – This is a softer version of a squeeze page which includes the opt-in form above the fold and enough content to add value for the visitor. The information provided is partial so they have to opt-in to get the full content, hence the “tease” element.
- The “Content Sandwich” Page – The goal here is to provide “share-worthy” content as the middle of the ‘sandwich’ and padded by offers at the top and bottom. There is no teasing on this page as they get the FULL content which encourages them to share and they are tagged at the same time for retargeting ads.
- The “Curated Multiplier Page” – I refer to these as “curated” because you are using other people’s content, in this case trending videos, to attract viral traffic. At the end of the video a proprietary script triggers an optin form or a light box form on exit. You are basically building leads from the traffic generated by this viral video. The “multiplier” effect comes in because of the additional leads coming in from shares on Facebook.
Why Am I Giving Away So Much?
You may be wondering why I’m giving away so much of my plan upfront like this. The reason is simple.
I realize that even though I’ve been marketing online for so long, I don’t sell my stuff in the internet marketing world. I just use my marketing skills in other niches than “making money online”. And I have the results to show that I know what I’m doing.
But in case you still need more proof I want to give you value before you invest in this program.
Talking about more value, here is the exact copy formula I have been using in my Facebook ads with gangster results. I give you permission to just rip off this formula and see for yourself that it works. Here goes …
I call it “The Five Dollar Posts Easy 4-Step Copy Formula”
1. Ask a “Yes-answer” question to grab attention of your target audience.
2. State what they get for free and why it solves the question/problem.
3. Tell them what to do next and why it’s easy or beneficial for them to do it.
4. Add some credibility and proof.
In the sample ad above you can see how I used this formula and how all four elements come together to make a highly responsive Facebook ad.
Want more?
Introducing… The Five Dollar Posts
Quick Start Training Program
As soon as I realized the results I was getting from my Facebook Advertising were not your average results, I decided I had to share my secret methods with a small group of students.
So I sold the program to my personal email list and from the stage during the Marketing Mayhem event in San Diego as a 6-week live coaching offer for $997 per student.
Now since this was going to be the first time I was teaching this course, I knew I had to over-deliver because they were paying good money for this 6-week coaching program.
The good news for you is, all of my detailed lessons during those 6-weeks were recorded so the students could review each lesson at their convenience.
And to save you time, I’ve condensed this 6-week progam down into just the main components you really need to know to get fantastic results.
These recordings and notes are now available to you as part of the Five Dollar Posts Quick Start Training Program.
In this lead generation CORE training for Facebook advertisers you’ll uncover:
- The 3 simple steps to successful implementation of any online marketing program. Get these right and you’re off to the right start.
- How to legally “steal” the advertising secrets from some of the most effective Facebook advertisers. Why waste money in guessing your way to success when others have done the heavy lifting for you?
- Why it is critical to know your “numbers”. And this has nothing to do with expensive mattresses, but can help you buy any mattress you want. 🙂
- The two most important factors (these are the only two that really matters) to getting the most bang for your bucks out of your Facebook marketing strategy.
- How to create a marketing SYSTEM for profitable list building so you’ll never have to worry about money again. (Big promise with a huge delivery!)
- A sneaky way to monetize your list without killing your open rates and response level. Hardly anybody is doing this.
- Case Study: How I made $2,813 by sending out one little email.
- Why there is no such thing as a “traffic problem” online and how to quickly get out of that mindset. You’ll be surprised what this mind shift do for your business.
- The best online technologies for easy marketing funnel setup and lead follow-up. How to choose these tools depending on your product niche.
- Where to find the best resources for great sales copy. Great copy couple with great products is where the money is at.
- The foolproof 12-step sales copy formula that lets you create winning sales copy even if you’ve never written a sales letter before.
- 7 Ways to overcome your subscribers buying resistance so they buy more every time. These simple tricks will boost your conversion with little extra effort.
- Little Facebook Ads quirks you should know about but you’ll never see in their instructions or discussed publicly. These little hiccups can cost you dearly if you don’t know about them and the only way to learn them is from running ads. It’s like you need experience to get the job and the job to get experience.
- Sneaky little tricks to get traffic to your Facebook ads as soon as possible. I’ve seen many Facebook advertisers complain about setting up ads that are approved but are not displayed. You won’t have to worry about this problem.
- Why you should never edit your Facebook ads while they are running. (This is right out of the horse’s mouth.)
- How to avoid “Uneven Delivery Pacing” for your Facebook ads and scale up your successful ads at the same time.
- How to get high “relevance scores” for your ads and so reduce your ad costs. This can cut your budget in half and boost your profits like nothing else.
- Why deleting negative posts in response to your ads can raise a red flag for Facebook and what to do instead.
- The fastest ways to get your Facebook ad account banned and how to avoid these mistakes like the plague. (HINT: Not everything is written in the Facebook Terms of Service and you don’t want to learn the hard way.)
- Recommended steps to take if your Facebook ads account is banned and how to improve your chances of getting reinstated.
- The elements of your Facebook ads that you should always be testing to make sure your running the best ads possible. (HINT: Check out my Easy 4 Step Copy Formula I shared with you above.)
- How to peep behind the curtains of one of the most successful online marketing companies and see how they set up their campaigns. Why guess at what really works when the answer is in plain sight?
- How to use the in-house tools of Facebook to optimize your ads for the cheapest and highest conversion clicks possible. (I’ll point you to a free resource where you can review 50 A/B split test conversion optimization case studies!)
- The “sandwich testimonial” call-to-action landing page layout that can boost response by as much as 64%! This one will really surprise you but the numbers don’t lie.
- One simple free test you can use to make sure your landing pages are mobile friendly. With the increasing popularity of mobile devices, and Google frowning on pages that are not mobile friendly, this is not something you want to overlook.
- 4 Surefire ways to scale up your winning Facebook ads to maximize lead generation and ultimate profit.
- How to ensure you’ll always have access to your page even if your Facebook account is banned. Don’t worry, this is perfectly legal.
- The best method for targeting Facebook ads, whether using Custom Audiences, Interests or Behaviors & Advanced Demographics.
- 4 Bidding guidelines you don’t want to overlook when setting up your CPM or CPC Facebook ads. Don’t expect Facebook to tell you about these.
As you can already see you’re getting a pretty comprehensive treatment on Facebook advertising here. And because I’ve been in the paid traffic (PPC) game for such a long time I can share tips with you that predates Facebook but also applies to Facebook advertising.
An ‘In the Trenches’ Facebook
Advertising Course
You’re simply not going to find any other course on Facebook advertising like this one.
I know because I own most of the popular ones and many of them are sharing outdated strategies – tricks that don’t work anymore.