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Write Profitable 6-7 Figure Webinars In Under 60 Minutes With This fool Proof Easy-To-Use Webinar Software
Create Unlimited Sales Webinars For Yourself (Or Your Clients!) From Scratch In Less Then 30 Minutes, And Get Inspiration From Other High-Converting Webinars!
A Letter To Marketers, Copywriters, Agencies, and Entrepreneurs:
Ever Felt Paralyzed By The Thought Of Writing A Sales Webinar…
Or just can’t seem to figure out what to say to convince your audience to buy?

Fellow Marketer:
If you’re reading this right now that means one of the following statements is probably true about you:
1. You are well aware that the most successful businesses, solo-preneurs, gurus, and SAAS companies are using sales webinars as a primary growth tool for their business.
2. Your advertising and marketing agency is looking for additional ways to add value to your clients and are looking at webinars as a complementary service for your agency.
3. You’ve tried to create your own webinars in the past – maybe with some success – but struggle to come up with fresh ideas, offers, and hooks
4. You wish you could afford to hire an experienced copywriter to write a high-converting webinar for you, but balk when you realize how much a good one actually costs
5. You KNOW how much the A-list copywriters CAN charge (see point 4) and want to be able to confidently ask for (and GET) those rates with a speciality like webinar copywriting!
No matter which of the 5 situations you are…
Your Invitation To (Finally) Make Webinars Work For You Is Right Here…!
A few years ago I had a high-end webinar coaching program that would help people launch a webinar in 8 weeks.
While some of our students literally became millionaires…
Honestly we didn’t have a very good completion rate for the program.
Students loved how I was able to craft offers and content for their webinars…
But they had a hard time actually COMPLETING the webinar (and launching it)!
I knew something had to change.
At the same time, we were having clients come to us to build their webinar for them.
I was focused on training the copywriters on my team in a way that would streamline the process.
Yet it was still taking quite a long time (just like my clients).
There had to be a better way..
In order to streamline the training process for my copywriters…
We developed custom-built software that educated them on all of the CRITICAL elements a high-converting webinar needed.
Slide by slide, there were instructional exercises for:
>>> What to say
>>> How to say the right thing
>>> Where to put critical elements
>>> Why certain elements need to be included
>>> How to structure an irresistible offer
>>> And more…
It took MONTHS and thousands of dollars to build.
But let me tell you… it was absolutely worth it.
It resulted in MILLIONS of dollars in sales while simultaneously training copywriters on the art of the perfect sales webinar.
I Didn’t Want To Create Just Another Webinar “Template” Software
I’ve used tons of software out there that promised to be the “ultimate sales letter generator”.
When in reality, all they do is ask you pre-populated questions and spit it out on a slide.
When we created Slide Sell, I wanted to create it that actually TAUGHT the true reasons why we put content in particular places
It was built to train copywriters – which is the best way to explain how to create high converting sales presentations.
Every slide has examples of a previously used high-converting webinar so you can see exactly what we mean.
There’s no “guessing”.
It’s essentially me coaching you through every slide as if I were walking you through it over your shoulder, step-by-step.
Create And Store Unlimited Presentations!
As an agency, we were creating tons of webinars!
So we wanted to create a centralized place to store all of our presentations in one easy to find place.
With Slide Sell, you’ll create the first draft of your presentation and be able to export it in a single click.