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WARNING: This Powerful Software Will EXPLODE Your List Growth!
How I went from 0 – 4000 subscribers, by doing the opposite of what the “gurus” are telling you…
(… without free reports, landing pages, paid traffic, or even a domain name!)

Read On To See Why I Think TRACKS SOCIAL Is Perfect For YOU!
I admit it…
… I suck at list building!
At least I did…
… until I discovered a list building trick that will change the way I’ll build email lists… forever.
It’s a dead simple system that allows you to build a list…
… without writing free reports, without landing pages, and without paying for traffic.
And if a list building “luddite” like me can do it, so can you!
In just 12 weeks, I went from absolutely nothing…
… to a list of 4000 subscribers that will provide me with a monthly income for as long as I want…
… and that nobody can take away from me!
And thanks to the viral nature of this new list building system…<
Your list continues to grow automatically…
- Without writing up free reports.
- Without landing pages.
- Without paid advertising.
- Without fancy tools.
- Without domain names, blogs or content.
So listen carefully, because…
… if you want to build a list of business owners, then I’m going to show you exactly how to build your money-making list the lazy way…
… and enjoy a passive income stream faster than you ever imagined possible.
Look, the fact is…
Traditional list building is a dangerous waste of your time!
Hi, my name is Paul Okeeffe and if you’re anything like me, you’re sick and tired of trying to build a list the “normal” way.
How many times have you got all excited over some list building course, and told yourself, this is gonna be my year to build a list?
As you sink into your office chair, close the door, sip your coffer and get to work…
… you tell yourself, “this time, it’s gonna work!”
You follow all the steps…
- Create a free report… Check!
- Build a landing page… Check!
- Set up a Facebook ad campaign… Check!
Before you know it, it’s dark outside.
Creating your “list building machine” took longer than you thought… but hey, it will be worth it, right?
But then it hits you…It’s time to make list building fun and easy…
(…and start building a list that puts most gurus to shame…)
The next morning, you rush to your laptop, log into your autoresponder…
… with butterflies in your stomach.
And there it is…
… a big, fat…
Sure, a few of subscribers.
But only 1 of them used their real email address… and now you owe $43.12 to Facebook.
You wait another day… and guess what?
Same story.
Sure, you got a few more subscribers… but wait, some of them unsubscribed already!
Seriously, WTF?!!
It’s gonna take years to build a list this way.
Not to mention tens of thousands of dollars.
I know how frustrating it is.
But it doesn’t have to be this way!
After years of struggling to build a decent list, I decided to come up with my own unique list building system.
A system that eliminates the guesswork, grunt work and crazy cost of building a list the hard way.
Here’s how it works:
I wanted to know how they got their huge lists.
The answer was staring me right in the face.
About six months ago, I was browsing a forum where a bunch of software developers were bragging about their lists.
Some of them were boasting 20,000… 50,000… and even 100,000 subscribers on their email lists.
The kind of lists that can make you a millionaire, and keep making money for life.
They were giving away their software and apps for free!
Makes total sense, right?
Giving away free reports is done to death.
But giving away free software and apps?
That’s a different story.
Think about it…
Which do you think would grow your optin rates and subscriber list faster…
Giving away another crappy free report that nobody truly values…
… giving away an awesome free software, tool or app that people instantly understand, want and would happily pay for?
Problem is, I didn’t have any software to give away…
So I spent several months and a ton of money, creating my very own social media tracking app that I could give away to people for free.
Instead of using a squeeze page, I asked people to enter their email address to use the free app…
… allowing me to build my list.
Just one problem…
… how would I get traffic to it?
That’s when I had my Eureka moment…
Instead of risking time and money trying to drive traffic, I decided to let other marketers give away my social media tracking app to their audiences for free…
… so that every time somebody entered their email address to use the app…
… they would be added to MY list!
It’s a win-win situation…
… and the easiest way to build a list I’ve ever seen!
This is exactly how I rapidly built a list of 4000 active subscribers,
Even with a modest 4,000 subscribers, I can make money on demand.
When I promote a $40 product to my 4,000 list…
… if just 1% of my list buys that product…
… I bank $1,600!
Would you like that kind of on-demand income?
Well, now you can!
Social Tracks App
Including master giveaway rights
For the first time ever, I’m giving you the exclusive rights to give away Social Tracks App to other marketers, who can then give it away to their website visitors…
… allowing you to collect email addresses from everyone who “activates” their copy of the Social Tracks App…
… creating a viral list building effect like never before.
As I said before…
(… and a money-making asset that Google and Facebook can’t take away from me!)
Software developers have been quietly giving away their apps and tools for years…
… and building lists that would put most gurus to shame.
And remember, this is true autopilot list building.
Other marketers give this tool away…
… while you collect emails when people “activate” their account and start using the app.
Here are 4 simple steps to get your first 100 subscribers by giving away Social Tracks…
- Go to your favourite marketing forum, LinkedIn or Facebook group.
- Let other marketers know you’re giving them the right to giveaway this tool to their visitors, or as a bonus to one of their products
- Rinse and repeat a couple of times, and then sit back and watch as marketers scramble to get their giveaway copies
- As people start entering their email to “activate” the product, watch your list grow in real time, right before your eyes!
- Go to your favourite marketing forum, LinkedIn or Facebook group.
- Let other marketers know you’re giving them the right to giveaway this tool to their visitors, or as a bonus to one of their products
- Rinse and repeat a couple of times, and then sit back and watch as marketers scramble to get their giveaway copies
- As people start entering their email to “activate” the product, watch your list grow in real time, right before your eyes!
Truth is, there are tons of ways to “ignite” this viral list building method…
… but remember…
You only need a few marketers on-board to create a subscriber avalanche…
With a handful of marketers giving away the Social Tracks app, here’s how fast you can build your list.
For example:
If just 1 marketer gives away 20 copies each day, that’s already 140 FREE subscribers added to your list each week.
With 15 subscribers, all giving away 20 copies each day, that’s 300 FREE subscribers per day…
… or 2,100 FREE subscribers added to your list each week!
That’s 109,200 subscribers per year, on total autopilot.
And that, my friend, is the kind of list that can make you insanely rich.
So it’s time to…
Stop giving away free reports that nobody wants….
… and stop doing all the hard work yourself!
Now you can let other people build your list for you, by giving away a truly valuable, in demand app…
… while you collect emails from each user, and simply sit back and relax and you automatically build your list on autopilot.
- No complex product creation.
- No landing pages.
- No design tools.
- No testing.
- No paying for traffic.
- No silly Google or Facebook rules.