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“Hassle Free Method To Deliver Qualified Leads
Generates $1500 A Month Clients”
…And Getting 10 to 15 Attorney Clients Is A Piece Of Cake
When You Let This System Do The Work
– Signed Jim Mack
Are you still doing Lead Generation the Hard Way?
There is an untapped market for push button “done for you” lead generation, that nobody really knows about.
Attorneys need leads just like any other professional who offers a service, but these guys are busy! So busy that they are willing to pay YOU good money to provide them with a simple solution…
Currently, attorneys are paying upwards of $200 for leads through Google, with some paying $900 Per Lead. That is INSANE! But, it proves how valuable leads are to these professionals. The LTV (lifetime value) of a client is incredibly high, so even at $900, it can be profitable for attorneys to purchase leads this way.
We Have The Better Solution!!!
We developed this system for ourselves, but it’s gotten to the point where we are actually turning away clients. Not a bad problem to have. Now we want to show others how to take advantage of Googles greed.
Attorneys are paying upwards of $300. So what do you think is going to happen when you tell an attorney you can give them the same lead, but for $75? They are going to be all over it. If you do are of service they will come back again and again and again.
What do you think it would be worth to an Attorney to have someone supply them leads for a fraction of what they typically pay? …
Through months of research and testing, we have a system that will allow anyone to be able to help businesses with a reputation problem and get paid to do it. The businesses are GLAD to pay us to fix these problems for them and pay us well.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: What is different about your lead generation?
A: We do all the work for you. The advertising, social media to drive leads. (I hate complicated stuff) It is so simple to outsource and set it and forget it. ANYONE can do this.The beautiful thing is the clients pay you each and every month!
Q: Does this take a lot of time?
A: Each client takes a few minutes per month to manage once set up. We send you the report for tracking to give to your
attorney client.
Q: Does this work outside the U.S.?
A: The best part is you can have clients all over the world and you will never have to see one of them in person. If they are an attorney and want more clients this will work for them.
Q: If It’s so Good… Why Don’t you charge more?
A: Simple… I actually make my earnings from Local Clients, not from product launches and you. My last 4 launches, including this one, my customers are telling me I am charging WAY too little.
Q: Can I do this all from my computer? (Or do I need to go door-to-door to sign up businesses?)
A: This entire business is totally location independent and can be done entirely by email. However you will always do much better if you are working in your own back yard.
This course will walk you through every step of the process, you will learn: …
- How to find prospects
- Push button “done for you” lead generation
- How to craft your sales pitch
- Different methods for accepting payment
- Various methods for hunting prospects and generating referrals
- And Much More
Introducing …
Attorney Marketing Confidential
The Complete Guide To Six Figures
Marketing To Attorneys
This course covers absolutely everything, from start to finish. When you’re done with this course you will be ready to start finding prospects and generating leads that pay. You will be an attorney marketing expert. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to do this, it takes a motivated individual who is willing to put in the necessary work. In no time, you can be helping attorneys save money while making a fortune.
In this course we left no stone unturned to make is as easy to understand as possible. To make it a step-by-step, copy/paste type thing you will have no problem doing any of it. We have to admit, our friends think we need our heads examined for combining these two courses into a single course. We decided to combine them to provide you with a super knock-out course to cover everything. Sure we would make twice the money, but we have been where you are. We know how hard it is to find something you can really make a decent income doing from home.
This System Is So Simple To The Core…
- Get your first client as easy as copy and paste
- Generate leads with the “click of a mouse”.
- Outsource 99% of the work so your time is freed up to spend at your leisure
- Price your services for maximum profits
- Increase the bottom line for your client
- Bill for your services without the stress
- And everything else you need to become the
Ultimate Local Consultant!
There are also “over the shoulder” videos to show you exactly how we do it so you can easily do it yourself.
You also get templates for emails, forms, and everything you need to start making money right out of the gate.
Once you finish reading our course you will not only know how to do everything – you will be able to do everything too!
In addition…
Jack has included two “Done For You” sales videos that you can sell to your attorney clients for $47 per month in your sleep.
We have made this course a complete “Business-in-a-box”. Once you get it, you don’t really need anything else but your computer, your ambition, and some time to create an income stream that will pay you month after month, year after year.
All of our secrets are included.
and how to take advantage of it.
Jim and Jack…I like it! But It Sounds Expensive
You are right. The retail price for a course like this is $997. However, by acting today, you are getting the entire step by step manual, all the email templates, and the video training material and support forms for one single payment.
Bottom line is this works 100% if you take action! If you’re the type of person who just wants to see what the new shiny object is and then immediately ask for a refund, please don’t buy and save us both the hassle.
We are here to HELP YOU. If you have any questions please send us an email and we’ll do our best to help you!