WSO Superstar Will Show The Secret’s To Making Your
Or Your Money Back!
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Price: $800
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Product Description:
I was $21,715.72 in Debt…
15 Depressing Years Of Failure!
Feeling Frustrated And Defeated
Now I Make More In A Month Than Most People Earn In A Year
This Is Your Chance To Become
My Next Apprentice
If you’re reading the following sentence then you’re not making life changing income with your wso…
OR… you’re not making anything at all with it
Deep down you know WSO’s work!
WHY else would you be reading this right now!
The sad truth is…
Most people won’t continue to read this page and get this coaching package because…
They are afraid of big fat success!
If that sounds like you I suggest leave this page now
If not… keep reading because…
I have something special just for a select few people

So you can finally live a dream lifestyle and experience a level of freedom that you can brag about…
Gain status, attract beautiful girls and create the financial security you’ve always wanted!

In the last few month’s
* I moved into a MUCH bigger apartment… * Bought some new APPLE gadgets…
* Got an expensive hair transplant for all you baldies out there)
* And I’ve been able to make more than most people earn in a year all from selling WSO’s
And yes I said a hair transplant!
And much more
If only I could show you my income proof you’d be SHOCKED at what I am able to generate with my WSO secrets
Let’s just say i’m a top 5% seller on Warrior Plus
And I can show you how to do this same with just a few short weeks
That’s if you want to get this?
And if I don’t get rapid results
I give you permissions to slap me AND I’ll hand you your money back for wasting your time.
Sound good
Keep reading…
With Wannabee Entrepreneur
Action takers who will buy right now and not mistake my training for entertainment.
I’m look for serious individuals WHO will listen what I say and actually apply it FAST!
because everyone knows:
So the fast you take action
The faster you’ll get a secure booming business you can profit from again and again!
And the faster I get to get your testimonial too 😀
THEN i can sell this package for more once I’ve helped you succeed
I don’t want…
Serial Refunders
I am looking for WINNERSI’ve been in this game for 15 YEARS NOW
Only NOW I am a huge success, let me to show how to crack the code…
I don’t want you to struggle for 15 years and invest $31,000 on useless crap like i did…
I want you get the fast track!
Success is on the other side of the river and trying to build the golden gate bridge yourself will take you FOREVER!
With my help you can get immediate rapid results starting right now
Short cuts that don’t work
I tried to cheat the system looking for a quick buck!
I even tried BLACK HAT!
The real truth is… This takes WORK, even selling WSO’s!
Nothing worth having comes easy right…
Don’t worry though I’ll help you dominate WSO’s 10x easier and faster
[X] Without struggling and failing
[X] Without not knowing what to do next
[X] Without thinking will this work on not?
You’ll have a coach to guide you on the path to huge success with WSO’s and beyond!
So if you’re interested in going full time from home…
Then this is for you
Step-By-Step Training Reveals Everything To Make A Killing Income With WSO Launches From Scratch
[Limited To 20 Spots]
Hurry Before All Spots Are Gone
Todays Price $800
You Get Access Today!
This is a fraction of what you’ll discover inside, when you ‘Say YES‘ and become my private Group Coaching Student:
Lesson 1:
– Tab into the goldmine that makes the different between a successful launch and launch that fails– If you want to make more income, work less and have enjoyable retirement then you need to listen what i’m about to tell you!
– The 3 most important pillars when it comes to finding Killer product ideas
– THE Best way to find a killer product idea in less than 2 minutes (…i couldn’t believe that too that it’s so simple…)
– A unique strategy pioneered by a Top 5% Vendor on W+ that is 10 times more effective than “old – never working methods” to know INSTANTLY exactly what is hot right now and what’s not!
– How to create powerful content that people will buy even if you feel you have nothing good to offer (This is GOOD!)
– Little known method to engineer an marketing funnel that is guaranteed to convert in to massive sales and profit so you can finally gain confidence that what you’re doing WILL WORK!
– The 3 minute method to finding a profit pulling niche so you WILL KNOW IN ADVANCE IT WILL GET YOU BIG FAT RESULTS! (don’t do this and you are doomed)
– How to create winning product in a few hours that bought me my new apartment and a porsche!
– 4 Magic ways to find a product idea that sells 500+ times and enabling you to get WSOTD!
– You’ll discover the science behind creating hot products in ANY NICHE even if you know nothing about the topic (with very happy customers, this will blow your mind)
– The secret to getting 0% refunds so you get to keep 100% of the money you make and still have happy customers!
– How to become an instant authority and make anyone buy whatever your selling even if you’ve never made a product in your life!
– Homework Task for you to take action on and get results with!
And more..
[Worth $4797]
Lesson 2:
– I’m going to reveal in this Lesson how you can become a Master in Product Creation (regardless of your experience – Newbies welcome)– How to create a WSOTD within a few hours or less (I know what you think, but i can tell you, even my 62 years old father could do this…)
– The No#1 Myth everybody wants you to believe about product creation. If you apply the strategies in this program, i can promise you, you have the tools and the knowledge to create a WSOTD Aspirant Over and Over again
– This method of product creation has been never shared before (I know exactly because i’ve struggled over 15 years, so i’ve seen everything)
– Follow this easy Formula and you will create a No.#1 WSOTD Aspirant in a few minutes…
– These are the TOP Factors that makes the huge difference between a product that sells like hot cakes and a product that fails
– Learn the ultimate Secret of product creation! Don’t want you to know about!
– How to turn every product idea into a WSOTD Aspirant with 500+ Sales
– 3 kind of steps you need to take to have killer content for your product in less than 13 minutes, regardless of your product creation experience or ability, beginning today!
– The exact type’s of upsells to put in place that convert at 15% – 30% so increase your revenue and go full-time from home a lot faster!
– Simple ________ method exposes how to create upsell products in just 30 minutes, saving you time and hassle (work smart)
and much more…[Worth $2397]
Lesson 3:
– My forbidden & never shared before mind tricks to creating a High converting sales pages that gets people to buy whatever you’re selling-– How to put together your sales page in less than 3hrs and begin profiting immediately (no experience needed)
– why you need to structure like ________ so people read every word and buy right now.
– The proven BUYER WORDS to sprinkle in your sales page that trigger your visitors into taking action with you immediately so you can profit from.
– MAGIC colors that boosted my sales by 68% (Make this one color which and watch you sales sky rocket)
– Why ugly crappy looking sales page convert better than beautiful sales pages and why you should avoid them at all costs.
– Implement these 3 steps in your sales page AND i can guarantee, that you will make tons and tons of sales
– Secret’s to increase your EPC so SUPER affiliates promote your product like crazy, making you an overnight success story!
–Little used method to dominate warrior plus leaderboads which will organically attract HOT AFFILIATES so you DON’T have to BEG PEOPLE TO PROMOTE YOUR Product!
– Once simple trick that closes more sales for you on auto-pilot which only take 6 minutes to set up
– Use my Newbie Ninja Killer Sales Page Template to create high converting sales page with an ease…
– If you apply these ______ when you create a sales page, a place on the Top 10 Leaderboard is almost guaranteed!
– Make this No. #1 Mistake and your Sales page could be the best of the world; You will fail. Period!
– Step by Step Instructions on how to set up the funnel on Warriorplus so you can construct a funnel that CONVERTS LIKE GANG BUSTERS
– How your funnel should be structured for maximum profit so you can generate as much sales as possible so you can travel and have fun and be FREE!
– Why you shouldn’t use the exact type of sales funnel almost 97% of all W+ Vendors are using
– The perfect price range for each of your products to make sure that Affiliates will promote your launch hard
and much more…
[Worth $1297]
Lesson 4:
– How to get FREE MONEY to give away to JV’s to motivate them to pull the trigger and promote you like crazy.
– Secret blueprint to attracting big affiliates who send 100’s 1000s of clicks to your sales page and leverage other peoples hard work!
– Why most JV’s never promote your despite how hard you try… If you do this wrong you’ll struggle to having a successful launch.
– How I’ve sold over 1200 copies with no experience and no reputation and how you can do the same too!
– The science behind creating a JV/Affiliate page that SELLS your JV’s on promoting your launch (This is critical)
– The science behind creating a JV Page in a few minutes which will save you tons of time and confusion…
– Unleash the power of getting big JV’s on board for your launch (If you know this alone that can bring you a lot of cash)– Little known method to build a list of 50-100 subscribers that are ready to buy what your selling (and no this not low quality solo ads)
– Secret campaign that sends a surge of sales and conversions that automatically attracts affiliates to promote your offer– How to get testimonials and reviews for you product to BOOST CONVERSIONS and sales!
– The science behind getting people EAGER to buy before you’ve even launched your product so you can get a rush of sales
– How to motivate affiliates to promote you over and over again on launch day
– How to stop scammers from promoting your product and stealing your profits
– Which affiliates you should NEVER APPROVE to promote your product and why!– Simple formula that will get affiliates to promote even if they don’t know you (this is a game changer)
– The RIGHT Affiliate Approach! Use this and they will blast your offer to their whole list! (And no…it’s not about writing them a message…WRONG)– “Who-What-When-Where-Why” >>> Ninja Knowledge about Early Bird Listbuilding
– The truth about Early Bird Listbuilding, whether your goal is to make $10K+ per month you need to know
– Where you can get a juicy slice of 100+ Early Birds for your first launch– How to boost up your Early Bird Subsribers by up to 30-50% easlily!
– How to get FREE MONEY to give away to JV’s to motivate them to pull the trigger and promote you like crazy.
– Secret blueprint to attracting big affiliates who send 100’s 1000s of clicks to your sales page and leverage other peoples hard work!
– Why most JV’s never promote your despite how hard you try… If you do this wrong you’ll struggle to having a successful launch.
[Worth $1797]and much more…
Special Lesson:
– Download page secrets that will increase your sales and it only take 11 minute to do.
– 3 Important Things you must implement on your download page (if you don’t do this you’re leaving big money on the table)
– The exact steps you need to take maximum profit from your buyers list after your launch (even the guru’s are not using this secret)– How to find the right offers for your list so you can become a super affiliate so you can have them promote you back in the future too!
– How to convince your Buyers List the easiest way to get them to purchase every product you mail them
– My Fail Proven Way to tread Affiliates the right away in order to get them on board for your next launch again
And Much Much More…
Take Action Now
Hurry Before All Spots Are Gone
Todays Price $800

Private Coaching
[Sold out]
This is NOT just something you buy and put on the shelf…
This is a 4 Week elite 1-on-1 Coaching that can transform your business over and over and over again!
I will take you by your hand and guide you in a very private coaching call on skype through each Lesson in order to make sure your launch will be a huge success
As I learn new stuff I’ll continually update my 1-on-1 Coaching with the latest techniques, strategies, methods, tricks, tips THAT WORK RIGHT NOW
And if something stops working I will remove it from the Coaching.
In fact this coaching you’re getting is on its SECOND VERSION… why? because I don’t sell outdated stuff…
I sell what works right now so you can get immediate tangible results
I am not going to feed you something that doesn’t work-like most people.
As I make changes
in my coaching-you’ll
know all about it!
Fast Action Taker Bonus#1:
Facebook Mastermind
Support Group
(Value $497)
My Very Private Facebook Mastermind Group IS an incredible group for posting your questions in the mastermind group and get everything you want answered…
You will get an exclusive access to my Facebook Mastermind Group where you can ask me anything you want, if you struggle with any steps, post your questions and i will support you and help you out!
So to ramp up your chances of succeeding massively…
My private Outsourcing Rolodex
(Value $397)
I will reveal my private Copywriter and my private Graphic Designer.
These 2 guys did my sales page on my previous launch where i became WSOTD – they did the copy as well…
Sales Page Blueprint
(Value $597)
I’ve created a very valuable Manual for you that will help you to create each and every time a high converting sales page that makes a lot of sales for you.
Email Coaching
(Value $997) Only 1 Spot Left
For the first 10 buyers, i will give you access to my 4 weeks (Once per week) email coaching program. My high ticket clients pay me $497 for this alone…
Ask me anything related to your launch and i will help you out with all my experience and knowledge!
8 Week
Email Support
(Value $997) Only 1 Spot Left
This is also only available for the first 10 Buyers.
The first 15 buyers will get unlimited Email Support from me.
In this way, you will never be alone, not only for your first launch, also for the upcoming launches!
5-Figure per Month Blueprint Manual
(Value $297) Only 1 Spot Left
Only Available for the First 10 Buyers! This is my Blueprint i’ve used for all my launches, for the first launch where i did close to 700 sales and on my last launch where i did over 1200 sales
First Launch Support
(Value $997) Only 1 Spot Left
This is a very exclusive Bonus for the first 10 Buyers ONLY!
What i do for you with this bonus is, that i will check your whole funnel, also your sales page and your product once everything’s done. Shoot it over to me and i will check everything to make sure you’ve set up everything the right way to have a successful launch.
Hurry Before All Spots Are Gone
Todays Price $800
This way we ALL SUCCEED!
You will never have that dreaded feeling of buying something and being left alone in the dark.
You know what’s that’s like right…
You find yourself just buying another product because you can’t get it to work…
If you follow this coaching program it WILL work for you or i’ll GRANT YOU $1000 if you can prove it didn’t work.
Serious Action Takers Only Please…
and if you apply my training after 90 days and didn’t work for you i’ll send you $1000 out of my own pocket…
That’s my GUARANTEE to you!
I do this specifically not to attract people who refund and instead they actually apply the information…
You have FB mentorship so theres no excuses why you can’t get results fast!
I ONLY want committed ACTION TAKERS who will provide a testimonial because this WORKS as you know already…
Sounds good?
Forget About Buying Other Bottom Of The Barrel REHASHED Cheap Courses…Here’s Why…
30K WSO Avalanche is the first and last Money Making course you’re going to need.
It contains all the inside tips, tricks and strategies you need to excel in this business.
And don’t forget-it’s also updated every time I find something new and it WORKS.
So you will always have cutting edge knowledge of what is happening in the market place.
This Great Package
Here’s why
This a serious Bargain…
Over the last 15 years, I’ve spent over $31k on training programs and info products- learning how to create a highly profitable online business Just like the one you’re buying today.
When I consult personally with people I charge $600 per hour.
And think about this…
You can have one successful launch after launch using my unique blueprint- so the results you can generate are unlimited.
Even if you make a fraction of the money I make….
How much would you be willing to invest to get me to hold your hand through the process of building amazingly profitable launches?
Start Now… Only
1/20 Spot Remains At This Price Point
Take Action Now
Hurry Before All Spots Are Gone
Todays Price $800
If you want to see some proof how i’ve made from my last launch, check my timeline on facebook. Also if you have questions, shoot me a message on facebook.