I’m sure you dislike feeling rushed, panicked, or handicapped by your budget constraints when choosing business gifts. And fretting that your gift recipients might hate what you send them doesn’t make you feel any better, either.

Even though you’re not sure what the return is on your gifting investment, it doesn’t seem as good as you’d hoped… and you wind up wondering if all the hassle of gifting to your VIPs is really worthwhile.

The Power of Strategic Gifting

Gifting has amazing potential to accelerate your company’s growth, if it’s done thoughtfully and strategically.

So it’s important to be intentional about your overall gifting process and create an effective gifting *strategy* instead of relying on guesswork, last-minute panic shopping or generic gift cards.

The perfect gift demonstrates how much you value the recipient and your relationship with them.

The whole point of your gifting strategy is to make your company stand out in the minds of your gift recipients, by NOT being like everyone else and giving the same meaningless gifts at the same predictable times of year. Instead, the aim is to surprise and delight so that your gifts are highly memorable, no matter what the budget or occasion.

Because when your Very Important People know that you care about them enough to give the most thoughtful, most meaningful gifts, unexpectedly and unconditionally…

…your company will benefit in so many ways:

You’ll impress key prospects, make yourself unforgettable to new contacts, gain favor with gatekeepers, and spark high-value lifelong relationships.
You’ll always know exactly what to choose as a gift, and your gifting occasions and budget will be planned out well in advance.
You’ll be able to gift to the same recipient repeatedly without becoming boring or predictable, by making each gift build on the one before it so that your relationship grows stronger each time.
And you’ll leave your gift recipients with high, yet entirely achievable, expectations of you and the brand you represent. They’ll know that you adhere to the highest standards and go the extra distance to get results.


Invest in *strategic* and *sustainable* gifting, with a long-term view of the future, and your investment will naturally compound over time.

If that’s what you want to do, I’d love to show you how.

How an Ohio Farm Boy Became
THE Expert in Strategic Gifting


Hi! I’m John Ruhlin, the founder of the Ruhlin Group and the author of the bestselling book Giftology.

Growing up on a farm in Ohio, I was raised with a strong work ethic and an entrepreneurial spirit. As a broke college student, I took a job selling Cutco products, and I gave it my all.

I quickly realized that to be successful in sales meant getting people to set aside a little time to talk with me. And to do that, I had to achieve two things: first, capture their attention, and second, make them decide they *wanted* to meet me.

Special Gifting Strategy Bonus

To encourage you to work through the entire program and give it everything you’ve got, I’m throwing in a very special “completion bonus!”

After you submit your final homework assignment in the Giftology program, you’ll become eligible for a one-to-one gifting strategy session with one of the expert Giftologists on my team.

In that call, you’ll work together to figure out your best overarching strategy for gifting, and identify your best next steps to help you move towards your goals.


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