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To My Offline Local Friends…
This is Jim Mack and I want to tell you a true story.
A while back a friend referred me to a contractor, Alan, who was not doing well. But he used to do well, since he was on the first page of the Google search results.
When he lost his search rankings he was worried. He had employees and some debt. He lost sleep and his family suffered too.
And he did what a lot of businesses do…he looked for alternatives.
He tried to get ranked in BING/Yahoo but it wasn’t working out any better and He knew even if he cracked their first page, the traffic would not even compare to Google.
So, he started spending ‘real’ money in the local newspapers. Before, he had always bought a SERVICE DIRECTORY ad weekly, but now he jumped his spend up to $400 a week.…every week.
And he bought a quarter page ad in a local mini-yellow pages. $1200. and he bought more ads anywhere he thought he could get leads and he started advertising for a phone solicitor, offering to sell/install spas and hot tubs.
The money and time to set all this up was a serious investment…when all he really wanted was to get on the first page of Google and be in the 3-Pack.
Why? Because that one accomplishment would probably bring in as much as all the separate things he was trying. So, I met with him and outlined what I would do. I remember he said, “Good, go for it, since I’m hurting without it.”
About 4 weeks later, I called him and reported the results. I said, “Al, type in your keywords and see where you’re ranked.” I’ll wait. He came back and was excited.
In the months that followed, like submerged craft rising to the surface, he continued to improve in rankings and calls. There would still be some touchy times, but he had confidence in me and I had confidence in the system I’m going to share with you.
Oh, by the way, he pays well for being ranked in the Google 3-pack and I never have to chase him for the fees, since he remembers what it was like before.
Why Google Changed The 3-Pack Display
Google is focusing more on the Mobile user experience, the 7 Pack, shown below, was too large to fit onto one page on mobile devices.
On the other hand, the new 3 Pack, shown below, is just enough to function as the first page in a SERP for someone doing a local search on a smartphone.
Google claims that the last four results in the 7 pack weren’t getting much traffic. This is one of the reasons why Google reduced the featured listings to 3.
The SERPs still tend to display star ratings from reviews on G+ pages, and being active on local search directories is still one of the ranking factors that google’s algorithm weighs.
So, in essence, Google has tightened the criteria even more, and restricted the winning positions even more…
The Formula is RESULTS = CLIENTS
Let’s quit pretending results don’t matter to clients.
They do. Absolutely. The results you get for them go a long way to assure you will continue to get paid….and how much you get paid.
Sometimes we will hear a consultant say, “I don’t want to promise much because I don’t know what I can deliver!”
Makes sense, but the the answer isn’t to promise less, its to build a marketing machine that delivers more.
This one skill and system designed to get service contractors in the Google 3 Pack is worth ‘gold’ to any client.
Finally, you will have the confidence to make a bolder and better promise, snce you’ll know you can deliver.
For Local Service Contractors…The Google 3 Pack
Sits On Top Of All Other Media
I’m Giving You The Key To The Vault
With These Powerful Secrets…
- The easiest way to go about finding local brick and mortar businesses that MUST have this service…
- How to immediately get the attention of local businesses that need YOU in a way that will guarantee they say ‘yes’ almost every time…
- The super simple, laid back approach that ensures you get the results that your client is looking for
- The number one thing that you must do that will get your phone ringing off the hook with people asking you for help
- The no-nonsense way to price your Google 3 pack service that will yield you big upfront paydays as well as recurring income
- The perfect way to “re-brand” your client so that people are finding the good things online as opposed to the not so good
- The perfect way to set things up for your client so you can deal with any Google Ranking changes that come up (Note: This is SO easy and SO effective)
- The best email subject lines for Google 3 pack prospecting
- Detailed Case Studies from Jim’s own business
- The secret why CONTINUITY Income is so important. You think you know, but you don’t.
- Tricks to scale up your business much quicker by setting the right (attainable) goals.
- Jim’s persuasion tricks for closing more Service Contractors faster with less resistance.
- The Voice Mail System that circumvents Phone Screeners
- Access to lists of current active service contractors
- Take the sting out of any client disappointments.
- If You offer A discount, What you MUST Offer With it.
- The big financial secret most don’t know about Contractors
- The only time you should accept payment by check.
But Each Position Is Worth Even More!
The opportunity for service contractors to get on page one in the 3 pack is better than ever.
Q: Is this just a re-hash of previous courses?
A: No, This new course is different…because I’m teaching how to rank contractors in the 3-pack of Google. It is my most comprehensive course yet! AND, how to get that first client and move on to bigger paydays.
Q: Why would a contractor need my help?
A: It might surprise you to know that many contractors are not the best marketers. I know, surprising. Many contractors use their cell phone as their business phone. This allows us at consultants to market and prospect much easier.
Q: Does this take a lot of time?
A: Each client initially takes about 2-3 hours to setup. Then maybe 30 minutes per month to manage. Extra projects will, of course, take longer.
Q: Will I need a large budget?
A: No. You can do this with no money, just your own time and effort. A little money for an outsourcer will make it go faster, but its not necessary. You will get paid before you ever have to spend any money.
Q: Won’t my clients Be Taking A Chance On me?
A: Nope. and thats because well show you exactly how to implement this system. Its proven to work and thats what you’ll be offering.
Q: Will I need Employees?
A: NO (Unless YOU Want Them) —If you choose to use virtual assistants or outsource thats fine.
But its necessary.
Q: Is there a lot of competition?
A: In my expericne, no. While other marketers know about contractors of course, they approach them in a clumsy and high pressure way. I’m teaching more methods of ‘attraction’.
Q: If It’s so Good… Why Don’t you charge more?
A: Simple… I actually make my earnings from local clients, not from product launches and you. I do enjoy helping marketers and dont see the need to get ruch off of you.
Q: Can I do this all from my computer? (Or do I need to go door-to-door to sign up the doctors?)
A: This entire business is totally location independent and can be done entirely by email and phone.
Q: How long will it take to get 10 contractor clients?
A: If you take action it can be achieved in 90 days.
Service Contractor Marketing Confidential
The Complete Guide To Six Figures
Marketing With Service Contractors
This Course Covers Absolutely Everything From Start To Finish
When you’re done with this course you will be ready to start finding prospects and generating leads that pay.
It doesn’t take a brain surgeon to do this, it takes someone who is willing to put in the time and effort into making this a success.
In the blink of an eye you will be solving a problem for a Contractor who is gladly going to pay you.
In this course I completely pull open the curtain to make this easy to do and understand.
I wanted it to be as close to copy and paste as possible. This way you have a complete road map to success. I know how hard it is to make money from home.
I have removed the barriers to your success…The Rest Is Up To You!
Here’s The Bottom Line:
This new training course teaches you everything from start to finish about getting that first Contractor as a client and collecting monthly fees from your clients. Everything you need to know is in the
Service Contractor Marketing Confidential
You will start applying these strategies immediately…
With no tedious studying required. No years of perfecting boring techniques that are useless in the real offline world. This works, as they say, “Right Out Of The Box”.
And check this out: The main course isnt the only thing you’ll be receiving.
It’s only Part One.
There’s another part to this system just as important to your success on the street…