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And how you can do this to earn some SUPER QUICK CASH
Originally Posted by nicheblogger75
![]() I purchased this course late last night and gave it a quick read. I didn’t take action because it was late so I figured I would wait until this morning to try it out.There are basically two methods outlined in this course, none of which require you to have a website, a list, hosting, domain, or paid traffic. It has nothing to do with Google, YouTube, or Facebook. I completely understand why the OP cannot divulge the traffic source because it would give away the whole WSO. I started out trying the first method, which I had never heard of and was totally new to me. I made a Clickbank commission of $16.20 within 20 minutes of starting! This is enough to convince me that this works. Plus I paid for the cost of the report and then some in my first hour. Don’t get me wrong. I am NOT guaranteeing that this will happen for you. This may just have been beginner’s luck. What I will say though is that if you follow the instructions and put in 3-4 hours every day, you WILL definitely make commissions. How long will it take you to get to $100 per day? That depends solely on how much time and effort you are willing to put in. Like anything else, if you want to take the easy way out and not do any work, this won’t work for you. That being said, this is not very difficult to do and the traffic is extremely targeted and you can get clicks on your affiliate links literally within 5 minutes of starting. What’s really cool about this is that if you make a short video demonstrating the method you could easily show that to a VA and outsource this entire process. If you hired a VA to put in a solid 4 hours per day on this it could end up being a nice little bit of side income for you. The second method I already knew about and it works too. It’s just not my cup of tea, but that doesn’t mean others won’t like it. Overall, this information is well worth shelling out eight bucks and some change for. I’ve paid 2 and 3 times as much for info that was pure crap and didn’t work worth a damn. I definitely recommend it, especially for those who don’t have the start up money to invest in a domain, hosting, autoresponder, paid traffic, etc. Nice job! |
Originally Posted by Riyaz Ansaari
![]() Just purchased this WSO.Nice and to the point, no fluff. Took me 20 mins to read it. Highly actionable. This is definitely 100% Newbie friendly. I loved the simplicity of the methods as well as the new twists One of the methods is not new but Joel provides a new site that I’ve never come Overall an excellent product. Well done! |
Originally Posted by pawandave
![]() Great tips with great twist. No doubt using this method anyone can make good amount of money without website, without investment , without waiting days.Anyone can implement immediately start getting sell. Work for both newbie to experience ,smart work always pays what taught in this WSO . Thanks internetmarketer1 for this smart money making system. The best thing is that you can use this traffic for for any product or system. Once again thanks for some great source & tips
Originally Posted by jvjonnyc
![]() I love this stuff. Its so gurilla marketing on crack. He gives you step by step (very actionable) and not very time consuming. This will show you how to get very quick sales in real time. what i really like about this wso is that it gives you tools for branching off to other biz ventures (product creation, lead gen, etc….) way to go!
Originally Posted by Riyaz Ansaari
![]() Just purchased this WSO.Nice and to the point, no fluff. Took me 20 mins to read it. Highly actionable. This is definitely 100% Newbie friendly. I loved the simplicity of the methods as well as the new twists One of the methods is not new but Joel provides a new site that I’ve never come Overall an excellent product. Well done! |
Originally Posted by drogoman
![]() I am relatively new to the Internet Marketing game and just purchased this product and wanted to point out a few observations:1) The methods were both new to me and will be an asset to my marketing arsenal. 2) As mentioned in other posts, the font size is LARGE! By using 12pt font, I squeezed the PDF into a 5 page Word document. This is not a complaint, 28 pages is better from a marketing angle for the sales pitch, but it just shows you can read the whole thing in 10 minutes, i.e. no fluff, which is what I want. I have wasted hours re-reading the sales pitch in the first part of a PDF because the author wanted to pad it out. 3) I will use these methods. For me personally, to get the best from them, I need to do a little more work first. This is work I was going to do anyway. I would also like to put a lead capture in the process at the same time. 4) This product is worth the money only if you are willing to put the work in. You should easily recover the cost of purchase with very little effort and that my friends is the purpose of the purchase in the first place. |
Dear Confused Warrior,
I know…You’re extremely desperate and need some serious cash….
You need to pay the bills….pay for rent… for electricity……
You have probably already bought dozens of WSOs in hopes of finding one that works, right?
I know how you feel. I remember buying countless WSOs and nothing happening….
But….. Let me tell you something….Do you have a Clickbank account?
You probably already have a CB account. And it may have little to no sales.
Most importantly…..
Clickbank Is Not Dead
A cousin of mine sent me an email several days ago asking me about making more sales from Clickbank.
She has never made a cent online. Well…..just the occasional sale every now and then.
I emailed her a cool little strategy….and she told me she would do it.
She literally spent an hour following my instructions. (I sent her my info on the morning of June 24 and she sent me this exactly at 7:25pm on June 26th
I figured….why bother showing my results to you guys if I could show you what a *complete noob* could do….someone who has ZERO experience….someone who doesn’t even know how to setup a basic website……someone who barely ever makes sales on Clickbank
I know, you’re sick and tired of building sites, paying for traffic, and doing SEO. It’s tough…..I know.
I used to build countless niche sites…sniper them up….and only end up having them wash off of Google once the next update would happen. It’s tough.
I don’t care how little experience you have….
I don’t care how many sites you have setup…
I don’t care how little time you have either….
I will show you my secret traffic pulling method that doesn’t require any difficult work to get some serious BUYER TRAFFIC FOR FREE and earn some quick CB sales
STOP Buying TrafficSTOP Building Sites
STOP SEOing Your Sites
This is a simple and easy method for making some quick cash from Clickbank.
You can do this IN ANY NICHE. Heck, you could be in the most competitive niches and still make sales…..Gone are the days where you have to worry about other people’s rankings…
The best part is…….
You could make fast sales today, and have it make sales for you weeks or even months down the road….Yup, it’s almost a set IT and forget IT system.
This is not about building sniper sites….
This is not about posting on forums….
This is not about PPV, PPC, or any type of paid advertising….
This is not about YouTube videos….
This is not about SEO, Yahoo Answers, the Warrior Forum, Facebook, social media sites, or anything you have seen before…
Heck, you don’t even need a website. Just grab that affiliate link…follow this blueprint…and make quick Clickbank cash…..
Introducing….Instant CB Cash
Originally Posted by Moneymaker360
![]() So I bought this two weeks ago. I have never joined the warrior forum. This is my first post. I never wanted to join but I feelt like this was time for me to finally join the warrior forum.I had only made a couple of sales on the side on Clickbank, so I had gotten my first check, but I haven’t got my second check. I got this two weeksaho. . After using cb cash I have gotten about consistent sales of $23.70 on a health product every other day. I have used method 2 to get this. Tx . |
Discover The Best Way To Get Instant Buyer Traffic FOR FREE
You’re getting my 23 Page PDF Report with No-Fluff
And I’m Going To Show You My Simple Way To Get Quick Clickbank Sales
Make FAST Clickbank Sales
Get Real Buyer Traffic FOR FREE
SPEND ZERO $0 On Traffic
Earn Money Everyday On CB!
Originally Posted by celebcaleb
![]() This is my review on this ebook. Personally I think this is a great strategy if you put the work into it. It is simple, with no fluff. I like how it doesn’t rely on the “usual source” of traffic in the niche he discusses. I cannot talk about the niche without giving away the traffic source. It is so simple that most of us wonder why we don’t try it.I think that you would need to outsource this and be organized (have a spread sheet documenting everything so you can test every parameter and see which works) there are limitless affiliate products, and other ideas that come up. I’m extremely pleased with this purchase. If you have more WSOs coming out I would love to try them out too. Over all a highly recommended product to buy with a simple and easy way to make money online. |
Imagine if you worked for about an hour today…..and then you looked into your Clickbank account seeing big money the next morning.
You just wake up, browse inside of your Clickbank account, and you continue drinking your coffee as you go about doing whatever you want in your day.
This is a proven Clickbank system that can give you some serious cash even if you have never even tried marketing online before…
Originally Posted by Des Lau
![]() Review:Wow Joel, you keep coming up with the goods. I’ll disclose that Joel selected me to review his ebook and I’m honored not only for that, but because what I’m doing now in my business involves unique methods of generating traffic and leads such as mentioned in his strategy. I’ve been providing Design and Web services to clients offline for years but it is often like trying to convince a cat for a bath to sign up first time. What Joel teaches us is a method to have them come after YOU. Very simple and effective, no fluff ebook. The only suggestion that I could make it to provide an actual step method of the process, but he has provided us with a good resources and tips to get started. Something different and worth the price if you are stepping into offline business (where the REAL money is) Des |
Originally Posted by Shubh Ashish
![]() Review :I have been Given a Review Copy and I loved the WSO. The most important thing in an Offline Business is to get the clients.And the one with the Top Authority gets the Deal. Shubh Ashish |
Originally Posted by gmil88
![]() I received a review copy of Secret Cash Goldmine and I thought that it was an interesting concept. I really enjoyed Joel’s previous offline WSO and this one is just as good. The overall idea is very similar but the platforms are completely different and are something that business owners would definitely be interested in.*It’s a pretty simple and straightforward concept that if you follow the guides steps, should be very easy for anyone to set up. I can definitely see this working and am probably going to try it out with my marketing business. All in all, I would recommend this WSO to anyone looking to expand their offline marketing business or for someone just wanting to break in, as this is a great way to do that. |
Originally Posted by mahrouqi
![]() I got a copy of this WSO and here is my review:If you are looking for a new kind of offline service that is simple, short, and easy to do, then this WSO will outline for you an easy plan of action to follow to help you succeed and get clients fast. *The OPwill show you how to deliver the offline service from the get go so that there is no need to feel lost or scared thinking “Ok, what do I do now?”. |
Originally Posted by cash365
![]() Joel hit the ball out of the park again: In his Secret Cash Goldmine WSO he provides you with a comprehensive, step by step newbiefriendly method that teaches you how to get hired by offline customers without hassles (no cold calling!) and showing you how to provide them with a valuable service almost nobody is providing. Your offline clients will be grateful for your service and you will have your foot in their door and be able to offer them other services afterwards. This method works even if you are located in another country and it can be completely outsourced, so it’s only up to you how far you want to take this!And to top it all off with a big bang, Joel even gives you his two former awesome WSOs as a bonus if you buy this one! If you ever looked for a no-brainer, this is it! |
Originally Posted by Zesh
![]() Okay I had a look at this and please do not let the quality e-cover fool you.. I love this WSO because it can easily be outsourced. This one is a winner for me and I highly recommend this Gets my ZESH SEAL of approval! |
Originally Posted by internetmarketer1
![]() FAQ and reviewsJust this one tactic was PHENOMENAL Mobile Cash Code Testimonial By Desmond Dreckett – YouTube |
Originally Posted by 4webmaster
![]() Honest Review:I knew the 1st part of your technique but not the others and I was shocked to know how I could make more incomes with your other strategies. I did not wait and took action, time is money! Thank you, worth the buying of your well detailed and written guide. I just don’t want my competitors have this secret in hand. |
Originally Posted by nini92220
![]() Hi,I just bought and I’m on page 27 and all I can say so far is AWESOME!!! I hate cold calling and that’s what I needed! I will use your techniques today and next week and report back my results!!! Thanks Stephanie |
Originally Posted by TheDebtEliminator
![]() Was fortunate that Joel gave me a review copy of his WSO … Mobile Cash CodeIt was delivered in .PDF format and is 63-pages in length. Joel has been successful using these 3-different strategies to sell and work with off-line clients ………… If you have been reluctant in working with off-line clients, because of the personal contact on a face-to-face basis that it might require … using these strategies will allow you to find, explain your offer, and close the deal, without ever meeting them. If you are presently working in the off-line arena, or thinking about entering this field … This will help you. This report will allow you to eliminate call calling and build up a clientele, that over a period of time will provide you with some solid referrals to do business with. All the best … Ron |
Originally Posted by zotown
![]() Great offer!This is really well put together and easy to follow. I definitely recommend this WSO. Thanks again |
Originally Posted by cash365
![]() This WSO teaches simple and effective methods to get offline clients without having to cold call or visit them – which is ideal if you don’t live in the same town or city as the clients – you can even live abroad and make this work! You can use this to contact offline businesses to offer them mobile or any other kind of services.Joel teaches three different methods to contact businesses. This WSO is highly recommended if you have been reluctant to contact offline businesses because you don’t want or cannot do it since you are living in a different city as the client. In case you are still on the fence to go into the offline niche because of the work involved, you can use this method and outsource most or all of it (how to outsource is not included in this WSO, but you can find plenty of info here on the forum or on the internet for free about this) and build a solid service provider business. If you are still wondering how to make some money this year, I highly recommend you buy this WSO and take some massive ACTION! |
Originally Posted by wtatlas
![]() Disclaimer – I was given a review copy of this WSO.One of the most difficult things about getting into the offline marketplace is knowing where to start. What product/service to offer, how to find customers, and so on. This WSO gives very specific answers to these questions and more, and offers a very realistic way to get started in the offline world. The information is presented in a very easy to read 32 page PDF. All the steps that need to be taken are covered and there is guidance on how to approach potential customers including email templates which can be edited to suit your own business. Following through with customers and providing the final product is also covered in fine detail. In essence the idea is simple but, as with most things, it isn’t easy to implement without adequate help and this is where this WSO scores. Anyone should be able to follow the step-by-step instructions and put the plan into action. In my view this is a very workable business plan which could prove to be very profitable if consistent action is taken. |
Originally Posted by rain21
![]() reviewThis is an outstanding WSO with clear instructions about what it is all about. I believe it is newby friendly as well and very easy to understand. whole report is 32 pages and has a step by step guide teaching you what to do. This is a new business idea and absolutely worthy to give a shot. |
Originally Posted by Jerome Y
![]() I got a review copy of this WSO.When I initially got the WSO, I was excited to get started reading since the description was supposed to be mind blowing. I got started reading and although its something I already knew, I managed to get one or two more ideas for offline marketing. This is a business model and will work if you are willing to go out and take action. If you are looking for a way to make quick money for an easy service to provide people, this is one of them. |
Originally Posted by Jim Hudson
![]() I got my review copy the other day and I finally got a chance to sit down and read it all the way through. I was pleased to find that if someone who wanted to actually start a real home business and not have it require an extreme amount of their time, then this could be it. If you live where any businesses area then you are in luck, this means most all of you could add one aspect to the sales model. You can always call on the business as a followup if you wish, but most folks may not be comfortable with this. I know for a fact that you can make this work with reasonable amount of time and planning.All a person has to do with this model is to follow instructions and make sure all the main points can be done from your end. Make yourself a checklist and follow it, this is not that hard but it is good to be very organized. There are plenty of uses for this method, you can do more than just one type of business target, there are plenty once you follow the steps outlined in the guide. |
Originally Posted by desmond11
![]() I got a review copy of this and I’ve got to say, I’m impressed.One of the hardest things to do in offline marketing is actually get the client to sign up for one of your services. This method makes signing them up a breeze and can be implemented within a matter of days. It’s newbie friendly and can make you consistent amount of income if you follow the instructions correctly. All in all, this is a job well done and definitely something I can add to my arsenal of client getting services. Thanks and good luck! Des |
Originally Posted by Shubh Ashish
![]() Review :
I must say the WSO was a good read.The WSO takes Rep Management services in the Offline Marketing to a Next Level. The ebook is written in s step by step fashion from getting your First client to Getting the First Payment. The Method can be implemented from anywhere in the world as per my thinking. If you are into Offline Marketing,then you MUST get a hold on this one as you will lose some golden nuggets if you skip this one. I would definitely give this WSO a 5/5 Ratings.This WSO gets My “Shubh Ashish Approval”. |